Chapter 33

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Quinn *The next day*

"I love you Quinn. Marry me Quinn."

"Yes." I said.

His expert hands explored my body, touching all the right places, and penetrating me at the same time.

"I want you and only you Quinn." He said.

"I'm all yours." I said.

"I'm yours. I belong to you Quinn." He whispered.

I moaned lightly.

He opened his mouth to say something else but instead of his deep, baritone voice a shrill song bird sounded.

My eyes snapped open and I looked around for my phone, shutting off the alarm.

Leia laughed. 'Mortal dreams are so intriguing.'

'You can't talk.' I snapped back. 'Let's talk about you and Ghost yesterday.'

Her dreams were just as explicit as mine if not more.

'There's no need to talk. Wait until next festival.' She replied.

I gagged and got up.

I had decided to stay home yesterday in case Chance and his cronies decided to try anything else.

They had, apparently, but they weren't able to get in the house.

He had been blowing up my phone, calling me from other devices and even emailing me, demanding that I come outside.

He was close enough that I was able to see and hear his thoughts, what he would do if I did.

But I can't miss class so River agreed to drive Violet and I back and forth.

At lunch Violet and I sat apart from everyone so she could call River and I could text Everett.

Hey baby

I hadn't been able to answer him during my classes.

Since when did we start pet names?

His answer was almost instant.

Since you started calling me daddy.

Whatever. So what are you up to?

Nothing. Thinking of you.

Aww. I miss you too. Where are you now?

I was actually going to surprise you. The trip was cut short.


Ben got someone pregnant and she told him over a voicemail before she disappeared.

Oh. So you're home?

Not exactly.

A hand dropped on my shoulder and I spun around my seat.

"Everett!" I jumped up to hug him.

He pulled me back into my seat. "Hey doll face."

"What arr you doing here? He could be watching." I looked around.

"I wanted to see you. You're the one who wants to be careful." He said.

"You know we have to be careful." I said.

"And you talk about River and I." Violet scoffed. "Hi Everett. It's so nice to finally meet you."

They shook hands. "You must be Violet."

"The one and only." She said. "Quinn talks about you a lot."

"Time to go." I said, standing up and pulling him up with me.

We stopped outside the lunchroom doors and I pulled my hood up. "I'll meet you in the at your place."

He nodded, walking off casually.

I walked up to the first guy I saw who, coincidentally, I'd met already.

'I want to do it.' Leia said, taking control.

"Blake, sweetheart, it would be so kind of you to walk me to my car." We said, leaning against the wall next to him.

He glanced us before he stepped back, giving us a full view of his sling.

We smiled innocently and Leia flashed her canines.

"S-sure." He said.

We took his uninjured arm before walking out of the school. "So what story have you been using?"

"Football accident." He said quietly and a hand slapped him on his back.

"Blake is that you?" Some other guy said. "Never thought I'd live to see you treat a woman right."

"Fuck off Bryce." He said.

"But seriously. She's gotta have some good p-"

Blake cut him off. "Enough."

Now I was beginning to feel bad. I'd already broken his arm, he didn't need to be bullied.

"Look I'm just saying if I didn't already have two kids I'd hit too."

"Bryce, right? I don't think we've met." Leia held out my hand. "I'm Quinn."

Once he grabbed my hand she squeezed and he let out a grunt. "Shh. Don't make a sound or I'll break it off at the elbow."

He nodded and we smiled. "I think you owe Blake and I an apology."

Blake stared at him. "You don't have to do this. You don't have to hurt him."

We turned to him, squeezing harder. "No. I don't have to do this. But I'm going to if he doesn't start apologizing."

Bryce, by this time, had sunk to his knees. "Alright! Easy. I'm sorry."

Leia squeezed tighter. "Really?"

He nodded, mouth open in a silent scream.

"Hey Bitch. What do you think you're doing?" Another voice joined us.

She released Bryce, who got up running around us.

May Leia have mercy on this poor soul.

We spun around to see Bryce ushering a girl away but she stood still, glaring, with her hands on her hips.

"Oh were just arm wrestling, right Bryce?"

I saw Blake nod to him out of the corner of my eye and he nodded to me.

"The next time you even think about touching my man we're gonna have a problem." She prodded my chest, or tried to.

We caught her hand, crushing her acrillyx and she screamed, snatching her arm away.

"Not a word from any of you or you'll hear from me again." Leia said, showing all of her teeth. "Bye bye now."

I turned and walked to my Volvo, where I blew up at Leia.


Saturday's update! Missed it by *     * that much.

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