Chapter 5

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A/N I want everyone at this point to know that Gwendolyn met Xavier before Everett met Quinn. So the boyfriend they reference is Xavier and of course the woman is Gwendolyn.


My house arrest days were complete torture.

I spent them in my room, listening to Leia complain about the Alpha.

He visited me two more times, though I refused to speak to him.

When Violet showed up with her bags I leapt for joy.

We got into her Jeep and it felt good to have the wind in my face again.

"Thank god, we're finally getting away." I said and she laughed.

About halfway we stopped and I told her that I'd run the rest of the way.

I left the gas station where we had stopped and walked a few miles into the woods before shifting.

'Freedom feels good.' Leia told me.

"Let's go." I told her and we took off running in the direction of Elmhurst college.

We'd almost made it there when Leia took control and stopped, sniffing the air.

"What is it?" I asked her.

'That smell. I can't tell what it is but it smells scrumptious.' She said, walking in another direction.

I began to smell it too and instantly recognized it.

It was our mate!

But it was mixed with something more feminine.

Leia growled and sprinted a few meters to the end of the trees.

There he was.

Though he had changed his clothes the back of his head was easily recognizable.

But there was some girl sitting beside him in a fold-out chair.

He gave her a hug and they laughed at something.

She punched his arm and Leia growled again.

'How dare she?'

She slunk across the road and into a patch of trees on the other side, getting ready to pounce on this woman.

As we got closer we were able to hear fragments of their conversation.

"I am not fat." She said angrily.

"Get off my chair!" He said back.

Leia froze.

"No." She retaliated.

"Don't make me call your boyfriend." He threatened.

"I wouldn't advise that if you value your sheets." She said.

"You disgust me." He said.

Leia took another step forward and a branch snapped.

The woman was instantly alert.

"Remind me why you live so close to the woods again." She said.

"Closer to Mom and Dad." He said. "Do you see something?"

Her eyes glanced over us once or twice but she shook her head. "No.  Must be nature messing with my head."

"You're so weird." He said.

"Fuck you Everett." She said.

"That's not right sis." He said.

'Oh.' Leia said and turned to run in the other direction.

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