Chapter 39

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We had moved Everret to the couch in order for them to examine him better.

An older woman, maybe in her late thirties, who stood over him with her magnifying glass remarked. "There hasn't been a case like this for a thousand years!"

"Will be be alright?" I asked.

"He'll be just fine sweetheart. Better I suppose." She used to fingers to close his eyes. "He's just sleeping."

"What happened?" Violet asked. "He was completely human. How is this possible?"

"Maybe, like the last person turned wolf, he's always had a wolf but they couldn't have bonded before he was bitten." She said, packing up her equipment. "I'd give him a blanket and a few hours. After which he'll wake up hungry and with an intense need to mate."

"What if he's not the same?" I asked.

"He'll be alright love. He just needs a bit more time to heal." She said. "And of course someone will have to help him control his new found ability."

"So he's not human anymore? We can be together freely now, right?"

She gave me a sad look. "It's not that I'm not supporting it one hundred percent. But that's really the Alpha's decision and I've heard he really has a thing for you."

Leia whimpered.

"Someone will be by later to clean up and check for potential witnesses." She said. "They were all caught up in this big mess with the vampires."

I nodded and sat next to Everett.

"Oh Quinn." Violet hugged me. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm glad you came when we called." I smiled.

She pulled away, smiling as well. "Wolf's honor."

I laughed a little.

She got up. "Ok. While we wait for him to wake up I'm gonna call River and make up something to eat."

I nodded and cuddled closer to him. Though his skin is really hot I don't pay any attention to it. Wolves tend to have more body heat than others.

'They're conversing. I don't think he can hear me.' Leia said sadly.

'We have to give them time to bond and come to terms with one another.' I told her.

'He's upset and confused. He feels betrayed.' She said. 'Ghost is upset because they cannot wake up.'

'It'll be ok.' I said. 'We'll be ok.'

'We are ok.' Leia said. 'But so is the Alpha. Word's probably already gotten back to him. He's probably on his way here. We can't protect him in our condition.'

'Chance won't understand this. The last one was before his time.' I said.

One thousand years ago there had been a human who, after they were bitten, turned into a wolf.

The higher up families don't feel that their story is important and private schools aren't allowed to mention it.

But Chance and I had gone to a public school.

They wanted us to know everything about what happened.

We'd spend a week learning about it. During that week Chance skipped class or didn't come to school at all.

He didn't think it was important either.

But the wolf is said to have been one of the greatest our pack has ever had.

This is the only recorded time in our history that this happened because usually we bite to kill.

But if we die mid-bite there's nothing to do but kill the hybrid before they heal.

These new wolves are faster, stronger and bigger than even the Alpha in every way.

They were even more dominant and agressive when it came to their mates.

My teacher had laughed. Calling them 'Half Bred Super Alphas.'

But now that I think about it, the name fits.

Their even rumored to be faster than vampires and they are huge.

They are extremely stealthy and have better agility than any vertebrae should.

It would explain why Ghost is so big but quiet. He's probably not even his full size yet.

But Everett's body was slowly changing to fit Ghost's needs.

He was taller and more well built if you really sat and looked at him.

I was gonna have a lot to explain when he woke up. He'd want to know everything.

He'd want revenge.

"Quinn." Violet shook my shoulder violently. "Look. Honey found this."

My eyes snapped open and she put a book on my stomach. "Did you know about this?"

I picked up this old timey journal and started flipping through it. I sat up after a second, for better lighting.

"Where'd she find this?" I asked. "Who's is it?"

"River found it in her crib before they came." She said. "Someone knows something their not supposed to."

There were drawings and descriptions to match.

There were notes and annotations on both wolves and their hosts.

I flipped back the front cover but there was no signature.

I closed it again and sniffed the cover. Leia's nose twitched.


"She'd been studying us." I said. "How long do you think she knew?"

"The ink's not that old. But my concern is that Honey couldn't have put that in her own crib." She said. "Somebody planted that in my baby's bed."

"The witch was never in your room." I said. "She was dead before she reached my doorway."

"Then Chance." She said. "You've found him in your room plenty of times. Who's to say he wasn't snooping around in mine too?"

"But why would he hide this?" I asked, starting to read the pages carefully.

There were even some diary entries. No wonder she knew so much about us.

She was a hybrid.



What has two green thumbs and standards that are way too high. Definitely not me cause I can't garden.

Oh well. You win some, you lose some. No biggie.


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