Chapter 12

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"I'm home!" I shouted, slamming the door behind me.

"I'm right here." River said, making me jump.

"Dude." I said. "Where's V?"

"She's not in any position to speak right now." He said. "But I'd be happy to help."

"Nevermind." I said.

"Why didn't you tell me, Quinn?" He asked.

"I did tell you. A couple of hours ago." I said, throwing my coat over the back of the couch and going into the kitchen.

"I mean before. She told me you knew." He said, following me.

"Because it was none of my business." I said, opening the refrigerator and grabbing a bottle of chocolate milk. "Want one?"

He nodded and I tossed him one. "I'm excited to be a father. I really am but it's so infuriating to know that everyone else knew before me."

"She didn't know how you would react." I said.

From around the corner I heard Violet scream. "River!"

When I jumped River chuckled. "Relax. She's alright."

"What did you do?" I asked, sipping my drink.

"I gave her two Viagra pills and handcuffed her to her bed." He said.

"Are you sure that's not too much? Now that you have the baby to consider." I said.

"She'll be alright. It's only been three hours." He said.

I downed the rest of my milk and looked at him sideways.

"Fine. I guess you're right." He said.

He opened his milk and the entire bottle was empty in two long sips.

"I'm going for a run." I said, walking back out the door.

'I can't wait until festival.' Leia said. 'Just five more days until we meet the love of our life.'

'We need a special outfit.' I said.

'Let's go shopping tomorrow.' She said.

I silently agreed as I began undressing.

The wind blowing through our fur was the best feeling in the world.

Running was even better.

Back when we were younger Leia and I hadn't been at a high enough rank to receive training as a fighter.

So River taught us.

We learned to fight and anticipate our opponents attacks.

But above all else we learned how to run under any circumstances.


Flashback ~10 years ago~

'I can't do it.' I told River through our mind link.

"Yes you can. You have to keep trying."He snapped back.

I collapsed, completely worn out.

He walked over to me and squatted in front of me, poking my paw. "Do you need motivation?"

I didn't respond and he got up, adjusting the weights around my ankles.

'What are you doing?' I asked.

"I've never heard of a wolf who couldn't run." He said. "What wolf can't run? That's against all laws of nature."

He walked into the forest and came back as his ash gray wolf. 'Chance wouldn't want a mate who couldn't run.'

'That's good for him.' I said.

He was silent for a moment. 'I didn't know you were Chance's bitch.'

I jumped up. 'You take that back.'

'Make me.' He said.

Leia growled in anger and we charged at him.

He ran into the forest while Leia and I pushed ourselves to keep up.



Good times.

I ended up running to where I had first seen Everett, his backyard.

He wasn't outside but he was here.

We aren't close enough to smell him clearly but I'm picking up traces of cloves and rice.

'I am so tempted.' Leia said.

'We can't Leia.' I told her. 'Not until festival.'

'When the Alpha dies, because he will die, his older brother will step up.' Leia said. 'I can only hope that he will be a better leader than all of his ancestors before him, including his brother.'

I remained silent and she continued as if she hadn't noticed.

'I hope they all burn in the fiery pits of hell.' She said.

'You shouldn't say such things. The Alpha is listening.' I said.

'Screw the Alpha.' She said, taking control.

She got up, scampering back across the road.

'Where are we going now?' I asked her.

'Home. I can sense something. A storm.' She said.

'You're afraid to get your fur wet?' I asked.

'Not a real storm. A great turmoil. I can feel it.' She said. 'Not now but soon.'

When I got back into the house it was silent.

"V?" I called out.

The only reason I can't smell her scent is because of the baby.

Because her and the baby have different scents that enhance and accept each other.

But I should still be able to smell River.

I took some deep breaths and ran towards Violet's room.

"V?" I asked, banging on the door.

I heard a door open and close. Then Violet stuck her head out of her room.

"Are you ok?" I asked. "You're not hurt?"

"No. I'm fine." She said, holding something out to me. "Could you throw these away?"

I looked at the tiny fragments of tinted glass.

Caroline. Elixir.

So that's why I can't smell River.

She dumped them into my hands. "Give us a minute."

I nodded walking back towards the front of the house.

I guess I'll start on dinner.


Annnndd that's a wrap.
Chapter 12 y'all.

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