Chapter 4

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I eventually fell asleep despite the loud music and I dreamt about him again.

This time he was looking at me dreamily. Like I was the light of his life. He kissed my eyelids gently and said my name so sweetly.

"Wake up Quinn." He said.

My eyes shot open and to my dismay instead of my mate the Alpha stood over me.

"Thank god you're ok. I thought something had happened." He said, smiling down at me.

"Move." I frowned. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out."

"Oh I meant it when I said I needed to speak with you and you wouldn't just throw me out, would you doll?" He grinned evilly.

'I would. Anything for you to leave us alone.' Leia complained.

She started to argue with the Alpha's wolf but I could only hear what she was saying so I blocked her out.

"If that wolf of yours doesn't learn how to hold her tounge she will be silenced." He said. "On another note, what's this about you finding your mate?"

I spoke through my teeth. "None of your business. Get off of me." I said, pushing him off.

How dare he just barge into my room and demand to know my business.

How did he even get in?

"Leave me alone, Chance." I said.

"Baby you know you're supposed to call me alpha in the bedroom." He said.

I got and stood across the room from him. "You're disgusting."

"So you're not going to explain why you thought I would just let you go after chasing for so long?" He said and quick as a flash he had pinned against the wall.

"I never told you to pursue dreams that would never become a reality. But the moon goddess gave me a mate and it isn't you." I said, trying to push him off.

"But Quinn. I can do you so much better than any mate ever could." He said, his hands traveling my lower body.

"Get off of me." I said. He had touched me but he had never gone this far.

He sighed. "It is unlawful to disobey your Alpha. You will learn better when you are my wife."

"N-" He kissed the skin of my neck, my sweet spot.

"I should mark you. Make you mine." He went lower.

"No. Please." I begged him.

If someone was marked against their will, especially by someone who wasn't their mate, they would expirience such pain that it would drive them to insanity.

A mark is supposed to be special. Only your mate and you have that mark. No two marks are the same. They're not even similar and they always appeared in different places.

Like Mom's was on her wrist and Skylar's was on the back of her head.

"What did you say?" He whispered in my ear.

"Please stop." I said, tears running down my face. "Please."

"I like it when you beg." He said. "Do it again."

My cheeks reddened and Leia came to my aid. 'Don't do it.'

'Leia.' I whined.

'If we can't have anything else we will have our pride. Put on your big girl fur and your brave face.' She said. 'Stand up straight. We are not a pup anymore.'

I did as she said. Wiping away my tears and straightening my stance.

I glared at him with all the heat I could muster up and said in a low but confident tone. "No."

"What?" His eyes swirled with curiousity, lust and pure wickedness.

"I'm no one's bitch and most certainly not yours." I said, pushing him away. "So back off."

He didn't budge when I pushed him but he did step out of my personal space. "Little Princess has grown a pair. We'll see how long this front you're putting up lasts. Give me your hand."

When I hesitated he shoved a bobby pin in my hair. "You shouldn't put these in so loosely."

So that's how he got in.

"Anyway I have to go but we will finish this conversation." He said, walking towards the door. "Try not to miss me too much."

I flipped him off as he walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

When I couldn't smell him anymore I collapsed.

'Get up. You have to be the strong she-wolf I've raised you to be.' Leia said.

'You didn't raise me though.' I said.

'Are you sure?' She asked.

I wasn't so I got up to change the song on my radio.

The next song was Leave Me Alone By Michael Jackson.

'Leave this on. I think it's relatable.' Leia said.

I did as she said and left it alone.

Irony at its best.


This chapter was so emotional for me.

But I'm traveling so I'm sorry if I don't update again for like a week.


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