"I'll leave you to your classes then" said Omkara and he left the room.


"Jahnvi, please....hear me out, you haven't looked at my face for two days now" pleaded Tej, standing at the door of her bedroom.

Jahnvi let him in, and shut the door, only to avoid any scene, since for their family members they were still trying to 'save their marriage', even though Tej and Jahnvi lived in separate rooms and hardly interacted with each other, beyond what was required.

"Do you have anything new to say, to add, Tej?" asked Jahnvi, annoyed.

"I don't understand. We agreed for this plan to save our son. Why are you and Om angry at me? That accident got a little serious due to an error or miscalculation. Why are you both are blowing it out of proportion?" asked a frustrated Tej.

"I can't believe that even after hearing from Om himself, you can't get a simple thought through your skull. Tej, do you realize, you said you agreed to the plan for 'your son'? To save your son, the reputation of your family? Its all about you, isn't it, even when it isn't. Your son's liberty matters because he is your son, but Gauri's life doesn't matter because she is someone else's daughter? You don't care about another person's life because they aren't related to you. Thats why Om called you selfish, because you don't see beyond your selfish interests. Gauri is a kid, and she can come up with any ridiculous idea. What made me worried, and your son mad, was how casually you dismissed the idea of any risk to her life, and how easily you allowed her to execute the plan, because you don't care what happens to her. Tej, its not like I don't know you are trying to for amends. Keeping a look out for me, saving me from that truck, being there for Prinku, helping out Rudra, and now trying to be there for Om, I have noticed all of it. But who are you doing all this for? For your redemption, to make your whole family whole, to get back what you lost; I acknowledge your efforts Tej, but I'm sorry from where I am standing, all this is still fundamentally about you. You are making up for your mistakes, Tej, but you still haven't understood something. And I sincerely hope it isn't too late for that. I don't care about myself, but my sons would still like to know their dad" said Jahnvi sadly, and opening the door, gestured him to leave.

Tej left, but finally he was getting a sense of what Om and Jahnvi were trying to tell him.


Rudra's phone buzzed, it was Soumya calling.

"Anxious?" she asked as he picked up the phone. Their exams were starting tomorrow, and it was going to be continuous four days of exams.

"A little. Always relied on cheating or my brother's influence. This is the first time I'm relying on my own merit. But I think I'm well prepared, lets see" said Rudra.

"Don't worry. Just go over the notes you made one last time, and sleep off. Thats what I do" said Soumya.

"Sumo, what are you planning to do after the exams get over? I mean, after you give us a huge treat at a place of your friends' choosing, for getting into Yale" asked Rudra

Soumya laughed.

"Yes, yes, I remember the treat. Well, term starts in September. So, I have a little over three months. I think I will go to Pune. Haven't seen my mother for almost a year now. I am missing her a lot" said Soumya.

"Yes, yes, you must go. And when will you return?" asked Rudra

"I don't know lets see. Haven't seen her for a year almost, so I'll definitely stay home for a month, spend quality time with my mother. And then I'll probably go to Delhi. Can't waste time lying around just because I'm sorted regarding college. I think I'll do a research internship in Delhi for two months, and then of course, I'll start term at Yale in September" mused Soumya.

"Pune, I understand Soumya, but Delhi? You can't do that! C'mon, you just have two months left after that in India, you can't go to Delhi!" said Rudra, sounding annoyed.

"What do you mean 'I can't do that', Rudra? There is nothing I can or cannot do which you have to tell me" said Soumya testily.

Rudra realized his error immediately.

"I mean...I don't mean like that, Sumo. I just....you can come back to Mumbai for internship, isn't that a good idea too? I mean, spend time with your friends, and with us, I'm sure Dadi, and Annika bhaabhi and O, we would all like you to stay with us till you leave for the US?" said Rudra in a pleading voice.

Soumya got the feeling that Rudra was hiding something, but she didn't probe it.

"Rudra, I think I'm a little exhausted from the studying. I'll sleep now, you sleep soon too. Best of luck for tomorrow" said Soumya

"Same to you" said Rudra, a little dissatisfied with how the conversation ended.

Soumya asked herself whether she ended the conversation because of Rudra, or because of herself, why was the conversation getting uncomfortable for her?

P.S. I just realized that its been 10 chapters since I wrote a Rumya interaction. Sorry, they were busy studying for their finals :-P But no worries, I have something planned for them. 

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