Painting the room

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I get to design my room.

One wall is a Merida theme. It is fall, there painted leaves and trees, and there's a place to hand my bow and Arrows. In the background you can see Sandy. I even painted a life size Merida shooting an arrow.

One wall is a Rapunzel theme. It is spring, there is flowers, and there are lanterns. In the background, you can see Bunny. I even painted a life size Rapunzel with her frying pan and Pascal.

One wall is a Hiccup theme. It is Summer, there are fruits and other things growing. There are dragons. You can see tooth in the background. I even painted a life size Hiccup and Toothless.

On the last wall, which is the biggest wall, I make it an Elsa and Jack wall. It is Winter. There are kids ice skating. North is in the background. I even painted a life size Elsa and Jack.

I get a dresser and stand on it. On the ceiling I make Life sizes of North, Tooth, Sandy, Bunny and Jamie. Above their heads it says 'The Guardians. At their feet it says 'The Big Five... 1/2'.

I stand back and admire my room. It's beautiful. On the inside part of the door, I paint myself. On the outside, I paint, 'Trinity's Room: Knock Please'.

Once the paint is dry, I show North.

"Ta-da!" I yell. He walks in.

"Whoa. You are very good painter."

"Thank you. I did it all from memory. Look in winter, you can see you!" I point to The Mini North. And in spring you can see Bunny, in fall you can see Sandy, and in summer you can see tooth. Do you like it?" I ask full of hope.

"Like it? I love it! You did good job." North go's back to his workshop.

I already know, in going to love it here.


This is not the End, I repeat, this is not the end.


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