"Dal chaaval with garlic chutney" Omkara replied, without taking a second longer. 

"Good. You both are good already, I swear, it took much longer for your Nana to figure out my favorites" said Nani, making a face at her husband, who looked flabbergasted. 

"What did I do? And I did take you out for lunch at Britannia, every weekend, because you liked their berry berry pulao" said Nana, looking mock hurt at her accusation. 

"I was only kidding. But you did once buy me that horrendous purple saree, because you thought I'd like it" reminded Nani, chuckling. 

"You wouldn't let me forget that" said Nana, looking serious, but his eyes were twinkling. 

Omkara and Gauri tried hard not to snigger at their grandparents' banter, but Nana's sharp eyes noticed them all the same. 

Ah! Om thought this was funny, now its his turn, thought Nana. He turned to his grandson and swooped on him with a question, hoping the latter would fail just like him. 

"Om beta, you tell me isn't it the most difficult to decipher a woman's sense of fashion? Do you know what kind of clothes Gauri likes?" 

"Nothing too blingy or shiny, but she likes bright or solid colored clothes, with heavily embroidered dupattas or mirror work" said Omkara without thinking. 

And the spell was broken. 

Both Omkara and Gauri realized at the same time, that for maybe one moment, they, the four of them, were sharing a rare light-hearted, teasing moment like a family, like one unit. 

Family? When did Gauri become part of his family? Even if only the family on his mother's side? Omkara thought 

Family? Gauri was confused. On one hand, there was this chasm between her and Omkaraji, words unspoken, betrayed and hurt emotions, and yet he noticed her so much to know what she likes to wear? On the other hand, the bigger dilemma, was that Gauri never had any family other than her mother, and friends. She didn't want to get attached to Omkaraji's grandparents, or his mother, in a way that will only hurt her later on, when she has to leave their home. She didn't want her childish desire to preserve moments like these, tempt her to delay her plan in exposing the Sultana. 

"I have to go, I'm getting late for work" said Gauri. She took Nani and Nana's blessings, and left, trying hard not to look at Omkaraji. 

Omkara was left feeling perplexed. Did he make her feel uncomfortable? 

Nani looked at Nana confused, and disappointed. Her look plainly said that she was not happy at how Om and Gauri's relationship was progressing, or rather how it was not. 


"I think she will be frustrated, and this will be the right time to mislead her" said Gauri.

She was in Jahnvi's office. She got off early from work and made her way to Jahnvi's office in the evening. 

"But Gauri...we are leaving a lot to chance...and more importantly, what about your safety?" said Jahnvi. "If she swallows the bait, then the danger you'll be looking at...no, Gauri, I'm not up for this."

"Jahnvi, that will come later. I have doubts whether Svetlana would even be tricked by us, I mean, this is Svetlana we are talking about" said Tej, his condescension of Gauri's plan evident in his voice. 

"I know that Sultana is no kachhi khiladi (weak player), but I think she's been pushed to a corner. None of her plans are succeeding since Omkaraji signed that contract, and Jahnvi auntyji threw her out of the house. The fact that she tried to ruin Jahnvi auntyji's business, and even attempt to kill her, shows that she is desperate. She will view this as something that works in her favor. I can't be sure, but I think this should work. And anyways we are not demanding anything of her, not expecting her to do anything, but just not react negatively or reject the possibility altogether" said Gauri.

Jahnvi still looked doubtful but Gauri told her to think about it, and consider this plan. As soon as Gauri left for home, Jahnvi turned to Tej, her face full of anger.

"Tej, I know you are a selfish man, but don't you have some sense? You implied in front of the girl, that her life  being endangered didn't mean a thing to you. All you care is whether the plan brings any result or not. After all that Gauri has done for this family, at least feel some gratitude" said Jahnvi.

"Forgive me, if I do not care much for a random stranger's life, or weird, cooked-up schemes. I care more for my family...." said Tej, but he was interrupted by Jahnvi.

"If you cared for your family Tej, then we wouldn't be in this condition this now. All our troubles are because of you. And as for Gauri, you may not care, but I care for her life, not just because she has done so much for me and my son, but because she is a good human being and an innocent who doesn't deserve to be used like a pawn in our crazy family's outlandish troubles" said Jahnvi. "I was foolish to think you would ever change, Tej. A person who doesn't value human life, how will he value family and relationships? Please leave me alone now, you know the way to door."

Tej felt ashamed, but he couldn't say anything in his defense. 

He left Jahnvi's office quietly.


Gauri returned home to see Omkaraji and his grandparents assembled at the dining table for dinner. 

"Ah Gauri! You've come at the right time. Go, wash you hands and join us. By us, I mean, me and your Nana, because Om refuses to have dinner today" Nani looked at Omkara, with an admonishing glare.

After what happened in the morning, Omkara was feeling conscious to share a meal with Gauri again. He was made to sit forcibly by his Nani, and was making excuses to leave when Gauri arrived. 

Gauri washed her hands and came back to the table. She sat on the same side as Omkara, but leaving a chair between them. 

She looked at her plate and then at Nana and Nani who seemed to be caught up discussing something else. 

"Stay or I'll think you are trying to not have dinner with your grandparents because of me. If it is so then I'll leave" whispered Gauri. Omkara scowled but nodded. 

Dinner was a quiet affair, Nani tried a couple of times to make some conversation, but neither Om nor Gauri encouraged her. Nana too, seemed lost in his thoughts. 

"How was your day?" asked Omkara, as they entered their bedroom.

"Okay" replied Gauri, and went to the bathroom to change into her night clothes. 

"Well, so much for some conversation" said Omkara to himself. 

He didn't like how things got awkward between them every now and then. Sometimes they could communicate easily, and then, sometimes there were stoic silences.

How long would this farce go on?

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now