Chapter 43

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Lavi's POV


I leaned against the corridor as I watched the student rushed by in their various groups once the closing bell was heard the next day. Katherine has avoided me the whole day and I knew it's only because of our little encounter back at the canteen the previous day.  Her little snobbish attitude has been on full display all day and I can't stand another minute of it.

It ends here and now!

Closing bell had rang like over twenty minutes ago and she was still in there laughing over God knows what with obi and the sound of his voice makes me want to match in there and stuff my fist down his throat.

Maybe that might shut him up .

What exactly is she playing at? Was she really playing a trick at me or they is even a trance of truth in the rumors going around school. I mean she couldn't have ditched me in just two weeks. She couldn't have fallen in love so easily with obi.

Nah, that's not like my Katherine. She might have been blinded by his friendly little act but to actually fall for it is just stupid and Katherine isn't like that.

Katherine and her obnoxious little companion stopped giggling the moment they  caught sight of me leaning against the wall with my arms crossing my chest as I stared back at them.

I back away from the wall as they got closer. Katherine's face was void of all emotions but I couldn't say same for her friend who looked rather agitated and obnoxious as ever.

Toad face.

"You can't avoid me forever K. We really need to talk and you know it" my voice firm and hard as I stood in her way.

Obi wanted to say something but was cut off by Katherine who had beaten him to it.

"Fine! Let have this talk and get it over with shall we?" Her voice matching mine.

"Yeah right but definitely not here"

She raised a brow as if to say 'what now?' Before my voice cut her off as I continued.

"We will speak in private because it's personal and we don't need any third party listening in on us" narrowing my eyes at obi who only rolled his eyes

He should have been gay rather than hitting on other people girlfriend

Toad face!

"Okay fine as you wish. We will speak in private but I will decide where" her chin high like a vixen.

Obi who couldn't keep his mouth shut blurted out

"C'mon Katherine. You really are not considering going to a secluded area with him are you?"

Okay that does it. I'm just going to punch the shit out of this fool right now but before I could even get close to him. Katherine was already in my face with a look that says 'I don't think so'

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant