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The room was still dark and humid when i woke up this morning. I was feeling less dizzy and a bit stronger. The medication had worked wonders through the night as my sore and battered ribs seemed to be hurting less than i expected

My breathing was still a bit hitched as any sharp intake of breath could still send a shiver of pain through my rib cage.

My mouth taste a bit bitter all of a sudden as i tried to swallow some saliva.

When was the last time I brush my mouth...Goodness!

My mom was coiled up in an arm chair by the corner barely asleep. I felt terrible just looking at her tired figure on the chair.

Even though I was all drugged up through out the night, i could still see her checking up on me whenever i managed to open my eyes.

I was really begining to feel uncomfortable lying on my back all throught out the night. My back is begining to ache alot.


The door was thrown open as a nurse had walked in with a wheel chair. Taking in her appearance in the dark,i was afraid to think that she was the same nurse that had checked up on me the previous night but sigh in relief when i realized she was different.

Thanks goodness..

"I can see that you are already awake. Did you sleep well last night?" she had asked.

"Yes i did"

"That's are you feeling?" she beamed a genuine smile at me as she await my reply.

"I'm doing Okay. Thank you" i said

She replied with a nod as she turned towards the window and pulled the curtains apart in one swift move. My mom jumped suddenly to her feet at the sudden invasion of sunlight on her face.

"It's okay mom. The nurse is here already"

My mom seemed a bit out of place as he looked around for a moment before falling back on her chair.

"The doctor had instructed i move you to another room for recovery" she explained.

Now i get why she came in with wheel chair to even begin with..

I nodded as i turned to look at my mom who now back on her feet and had began arranging our little belongings from the cabinet.

As i wait in silent, i realized my lower abdomen was slightly under pressure and i was feeling really really pressed and needed to use the bathroom.

Well the wheel chair is available and i can easily wheel myself to the bathroom but how do i get my junior member out when i can barely stand up straight on my feet and to top it up, my dad is not around to help; only the Nurse and my mom of course and damn, the Thought of asking neither of them sound awkward as it is.

Realizing the bothered expression on my face, my mom turned at me with a raised brow

"What's it Ayo, are you okay? Are you feeling pained?"

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Where stories live. Discover now