Chapter 24♧♤♡

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"When you fell in love"

Katherine's pov


Lavi has this rather calmness about him that I have come to realize and admire. Just looking at him,I feel like am living in another world all together. The feelings in my heart can not be wrong.

I do love him and I sure as well want to kiss first kiss...he doesn't even know that yet.

I always knew it was going to be a Matter of time before I fall for him. When I first saw him that day when the principal had mentioned his name. My heart whispered 'that's the one' and I fought tooth and nail to stay as far away from him as possible. I even hated him at some point but look at me now...all head over heels in love with the same guy. I feel like my heart is going to burst outta my chest with all the churning and burning from within. One look at me and the butterflies inside my stomach starts to fly. Maybe it was time to let my heart lead cos my brain will probably disagree with my next line of action.

I torn out a little piece of paper and wrote down a few word on it as quickly as I could before he realizes what I was up to and placed it in between his open book as I hurried away.

He looked at the piece of paper on his book and back at my retreating steps and as if acting on impulse. He picked up the paper and unfolded it. The moment his eyes ran through what was written on it. A wide smile broke out on his face coupled with a confused gaze all together. I bet he could believe what he had read. I couldn't even believe it myself. Where did such boldness come from anyways. I just hope am not about to make the biggest mistake of my life though.


Lavi's pov

People say you become stupid when you fall in love but I beg to differ. Love is the only thing that makes a person better. The grass becomes greener. You begin to see and dream in colours. And no matter how foolish and crazy everyone make them out to be, you still think they are the cutest and best thing that has ever happened to you. The people we love add colours to our lives with their smiles, their tears,their fears and the courage to love us the way we are...

I thought I was dreaming in colours when I read what she has written on that little piece of paper. I read it over and over again just to be sure I wasn't just dreaming but for it to be as real as my heart beat.

Hey lavi,
        I'm just gonna go to the back where it's really dark to look for a book titled 'will you kiss me?'. I don't know if you maybe know where I can find such rare book? Please hurry up cos am Nervous...

Sweet Jesus. ....

If am reading this correctly then I can as well grasp it's meaning as well. Katherine was literally asking me to kiss her?

This got to be a joke right? I mean, am I dreaming?

I snapped out of my stupidity and hurried to the far back only to find her leaning against the wall.

My God...this is really happening? ?

I have thought about kissing her for like a million and one times already if not a zillion times but now that am just an inch away from actually doing it makes me feel like am having a really sweet dream and might wake up any minute from now.

My heart skipped a beat when she smiled at me.

How did I ever become so damn lucky?

Who would have thought Adeleke Lavi Ayo could be the one to kiss this princess that has gotten every guy in MAISS under her spell on her first day of arrival.

I raised the piece of paper in my hand one more time just to be sure as I stood an inch away from her...

"Is this what I think it's?"

I asked simply with the widest grin I couldn't even contain with on my face.

She gave a small nod and a smile.

I inhale sharply as my lung seemed to have stopped working properly. I took a step closer as my left hand came in contact with her left cheek....

So soft.......

"I'm still going to ask again one more time just to be sure you really want to do this just as much as I do"

With her eyes closed. She raised her hand and placed it on mine.

"Yes lavi....I will like to have my first kiss with you"

First kiss? Am her first kiss?

And at that moment, I lost every reason to hold back. She was mine and am taking this one moment before I wake up even if it was a fucking dream. I bet I'd wake up with a smile.....

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Where stories live. Discover now