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Katherine's pov


A smile broke out on Obi's face the moment he saw me approaching from a distance. I replied with a smile of my own as i settled down beside him on the table.

"I was beginning to think you already had your lunch without me" he chuckled as he pulled his plate of food closer and ready to dig in.

Beans and fried plantain are his favorite. I know this much because It's the only thing he has been having for lunch for the past week now.

"He is back" i blurted out.

His head snapped at my direction with a mouthful and just kept staring at me without blinking.

"Who is?" with a raised brow

"Lavi! I saw him on my way here"

I watched as his expression went from all carefree to unreadable.

Is he upset?

He gave a careless shrug as he continued to eat in silent.

"Does that mean i will have to stop hanging with you now that your boyfriend is back?"


Okay i sure wasn't expecting that question but why would i turn my back on my friend now that lavi is back.

"You know i wouldn't be here if that is going to be the case" with my arms crossed.

He said nothing in reply as he just kept stuffing food into his mouth reminding me of the ultimate reason i was there in the first place. I brought out my lunch box as we continued to eat in silent until Obi thought it wise to speak again.

"Are you going to break up with him now that he is back?"

"What?" my head snapping at his direction.

"I mean, isn't that what both your parent want?"

What our parent want?

How about what the heck i want?

For two weeks, i was forced to live like he doesn't exist and now that he is here? How do i pretend not to care...

It took everything in me to walk away from him a while ago but i don't know how long i will be able to keep up this cold facade because the look in his eyes was soul devastating and it hurt...hurts so bad that i couldn't reach out to him like i would have.

"He just got back Obi. And i doubt if I'd be the top of his worries so how about we don't get ahead of ourselves just yet hmm?"

"I'm just saying okay? We both know he won't give up on you just like that without an explanation. I mean I wouldn't"

"I guess we will have to see about that right? But for now; can we just eat?"

"I'll be here for you in case you need me"

"I know" giving his hand a little squeeze.

"Thanks for everything Obi. Don't know what i would have done without you"

He took my hand in his as he beamed a smile at me. Our hands still touching.

"Uhm...okay, let just finish eating already" making sure not to send the wrong message.

I jerked back in shock the moment i realized lavi standing there with James beside him. His face a mask of rage as he stared down at our perfectly placed hands.

What the heck is he doing here. Gosh what Am I even saying? This is the student canteen after all. It was just a matter of time before he comes looking for food.

I just hope he didn't manage to see that little display of affection from obi.

He sure did because merely looking at how his jaw muscle was constantly twitching. He was beyond just upset. He looks like he is about to punch a hole through obi who was still very oblivious to the brewing storm that was about to erupt behind him.

Obi realizing my sudden reaction followed my eyes and settled on lavi who was still staring dagger at his head.

"Speak of the devil" he chuckled.

He took a step towards us with his eyes firmly fixed on me and I couldn't help but shiver internally from the amount of power he willed from just looking at me.

Things are about to get ugly guys but fear not....we can win this together..

A little announcement by the way...*clears throat*

For the love of Katherine is about to come to an end. We still have about two chapters to round book 1 up so are we ready for book 2?

So brace yourselves for more fun guys cos it's promises to be off the hook.

With all the love and hope in the entire universe

Xoxo Agnesomalia

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Where stories live. Discover now