Chapter 7♧♤♡

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"Skinny one"

Katherine's pov

It was already six thirty when I woke up the next morning and realized I was expected to be somewhere before eight'o clock on the dot.


Second day at school and I was already running late and if I remember correctly, some of the rules and regulations of the school states that; students are expected to be at the school premises at seven thirty in the morning cos apparently, assembly gathering commences at eight'o clock.

Any students who shows up after that time range is made to undergo some sort of punishment. And in as much as I was looking forward to experiencing new things in that school, getting punished for something like showing up late to school isn't going to be one of them.

Kicking the sheet off. I hurried to the bathroom and in twenty minutes I was out. Checking out my school uniform, I knew I wasn't going to put that on cos it's all rumpled and smell horrible from all the sweat from waiting under the sun.

Getting a spare from the wardrobe, I was fully dress in another minute and looking at my self in the mirror, I almost couldn't recognized myself in this baggy skirt and blazer.

One of the sacrifices I have to make for learning..sheesh

Picking my bag pack  from the side floor. I dash into the kitchen for breakfast only to find Aunty Nene dishing out my favorite meal among other favorites of course.

Boiled yam and egg sauce. ....

"Goodmorning aunty" Pulling out a chair for myself around the kitchen counter.

"Morning dear,I was just about to come get you" She turned around placing the plate of food in front of me.

"I know aunty. I kinda woke up late" I explained.

"It's okay. Just hurry up and eat or you will be late eventually" She warned.

Aunty Nene is an elderly lady of about forty five or there about. I wasn't sure. I just estimated her to be that old. She has this smile that reminds me so much of my mom when she was still alive and well.

She agreed to move in and stay with us after my dad hired her to do most of the work around the house since he is always not around to keep me company.

Her delicious meals has gotten me looking a little chubby lately more to my dad's delight since I have always been the skinny one.

A little bit of flesh hasn't killed anyone though but I still plan on cutting down on her porridge plantain and vegetables that has emerged as my overall favorite.

I didn't bother to ask about my dad because I knew for sure that,he'd be out by now. The sun can't meet him in bed. Nope, not under his watch. He just has to be up and going. ..

After a few minutes and I was still struggling with the food on my plate much to the disappointment of aunty Nene who have been making sure I eat a much decent meal in the morning other than a cup of coffee and a slice of bread.

I hurried to find the driver waiting by the car only to find aunty Nene hot on my heels.

"Kate...kate, you left your lunch box behind" She called.

"Oh....thank you aunty, you are a life saver" grabbing the lunch box from her and placing it at the back seat along side my bag pack.

I turned around to see aunty Nene still watching me with that cheerful look on her face that am beginning to get accustomed to.

"See you later aunty" I waved

"Have fun at school dear" She waved back

"I will try" not quite sure if it was even possible without having friends to hang with.


"Ready?"  Femi had asked politely after I was done putting on my seat belt like he had instructed.

"Yeah...let go"

I arrived back at school at exactly 7:45am and that includes beating traffic and all ....

Assembly was just fifteen minutes away. Students were still hanging out in their various groupies except for one particular student I can't seem to lay my eyes on. Lavi was no where in sight. Maybe he too was running late just like I was a while ago.

I already had it on the top of my to-do list to apologize to him for my bad behavior the previous day and just as I was about to take my first turn heading towards the stairs way, I came face to face with Lavi....he was descending the stairs towards me and now that I look at him with a much clearer thought. He was way handsome than I thought him out to be.

His perfectly ironed uniform hugged his perfectly built figure and his biceps seems to be flexing gloriously under his cotton white long sleeve shirt as he raised his hand to scratch the back of his head.

Even though i was averagely tall, I was no way near in height with him. Lavi was dark in complexion, broad shoulder, pointy nose and a full red lips just to mention the few of the newly discovered guy's assets.

I ended my mental analysis of him as he got closer and before I could come up with something to say to him,he walked passed me without a single "hello" or "hey?"

Don't get me wrong now,I mean c'mon please. It's not like his greetings    mean anything to me but how am I supposed to apologize to the guy if he won't even speak to me.

I know we started on the wrong foot but can't he like play a little bit matured other than giving me that shitty attitude?? He has got to be kidding me.


I exclaimed with my head held high as I took my first step on the stair for the day. A couple of minutes later,I was literally breathing through my mouth. My class was located on the last floor and as crazy as that sounds,the thought of climbing those stairs back again for assembly is just freaking me out. And before I could get all the air outta my lungs, the bell for assembly began to ring repeatedly on the outside.

Just shoot me please. ...

Great...just great,now I have to take yet another breath draining journey down the stairs.

Dang it.....

Who else can relate to Katherine's predicament right now? Lavi's snobbish attitude and a flight of stairs to roll with? Not a good start for anyone....

Vote,comment and share. ...

Much love

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