chapter 42

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Katherine's POV


Anyone could very much easily calm a raging storm if they try a little bit harder but it will take just more than trying to calm a raging Lavi right now. He looks like he is about to wreck anything and just about anyone who get in his way at this point.


Before I could even get a grip on my heart that was already jumping outta my chest. He was already at our table boiling like a freaking volcano,ready to erupt if we did as much as to breathe out the wrong air.

A dragon might wanna retire if it sees him looking like this.

More hell

"We need to talk K. Now!"


"Katherine? I said we need to talk now. I'm serious"

More silence

Silence is all he is going to get if he keep up that attitude cos I can very much figure that out what the hell he wants to talk about and I will be dammed if am to give him any explanation especially when he is that angry. It's obvious he doesn't like the fact that am over here having lunch with my friend which is perfectly acceptable by me of course but not very acceptable by a  certain someone who goes by the name Lavi but guess what?

He can go stick his opinion where the sun doesn't shine.

I mean look at him. He is freaking out already thinking the very worst about that little tiny hand contact that was barely noticeable but he couldn't think of it as that because let face it, he is jealous.


Yes really, he is freaking jealous and I don't wanna get into any kind of heated argument with him.

No no no...shoot!

Obi looks like he is about to say something and boom! He did before I could signal him not to


"Isn't it obvious she doesn't want to speak with you? So how about you go way and leave us in peace" said obi with a glare

In as much as I would have loved for Obi to stick out for me right now, i still would have preferred he didn't because damn; he just gave Lavi's already bruised ego the boast it needed.

Way to go dude.

Before I could react to that, Lavi's anger was already flying all over the place as obi was already yanked off his chair and his hands were firmly wrapped around obi's neck choking the living day light outta of him.

What the hell?

"I wasn't talking to you toad face so how about you shut your damn mouth and mind your own damn business" he growled.

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Where stories live. Discover now