Chapter 29♧♤♡

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"Grand piano"

Lavi's pov


I was walking down the lonely road with no single sign of passers-by as the road that lies ahead seemed to be endless.

Where am i?

The road just stretches out in front of me with no trees or houses for shelter. The scorching sun has burned out every single fluid right out of me.

Where was I headed exactly?

I was headed home the last time I checked but this doesn't look like the way home as I was completely lost.

Was I dead?....

If am not dead already then am about to die from taste because I can feel my tongue burning right out of my throat....

Dear God in heaven,
If am dead,please give me rest if I deserve it but if am not; help me find my way home....

Looking up ahead, I saw a white crystal house up a few distance. I could have swore it wasn't there the first time I looked.

Where has it come from?

I hurried along as I picked up the pace. I was suddenly blessed with a new energy that was propelling me along.

I entered the white house through the main gate that was made of pure gold and shines so brightly. The first thing I saw was the fountain of water that stood in the middle of the garden.

I quickly rushed to dip my hands inside to get myself a drink but I couldn't reach it as the flow of water kept passing through my hands without staying in it.

Magic water eh?

I tried to drink with my mouth open as I push my head forward and bended slightly to the side just so the water can enter directly but that didn't work either.

I finally gave up when I realized I couldn't drink from the fountain of water.

I looked around the garden,taking in it beauty as shades of different colours spread out in front of me. They ranges from blue,white,purple, maroon,yellow and other amazing colours. It was like a master design with so much creativity and craftsmanship.

This place looks like heaven....

Heaven? I was in heaven? And where is that sweet melody coming from?

I began to walk toward the direction where the music seemed to be coming from.

I walked through the golden tile floor leading to the house. The music seemed to be coming from there. The door to the house flew open as i approached its entrance.

They was a golden grand piano seating by the huge room on my left with a flight of white sparkly stairs in the middle.

The music was pulling me closer with each note..I have never heard such beautiful melodies before as its player seemed to be a professional with a perdegree.

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Where stories live. Discover now