Chapter 10♧♤♡

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"It's the spelling bee"

Lavi's pov


I heard my name yet again and realized it wasn't Katherine's voice as my mind had led me to believe. James was staring down at me in a really weird way and looking behind him, Katherine was still seated right where she was, laughing at God knows what.

"What's up bro....." Jame had called to me yet again when he realized how disoriented I was looking.

".....I have been trying to get through to you for like a minute now. Are you in there?" He continued hovering over me like an angel of death in those minutes of numbness.

Snap out of it bro. ...

"I'm sorry bro...I dozed a little so I couldn't hear you" I said waving him off.

"You scared me man...I thought something weird was happening to you "

"I'm fine...don't worry " I said half smiling.

"Well, if you say so then i guess it's fine?" He raised an eyebrow to look at me again.

"Yeah, it's okay. So what were you saying again? "  giving him a totally convincing smile I can summon.

"I came to find out if you have made up your mind about what we discussed last week...are you in or out"

Aaargh...I really don't remember discussing anything with James but the amount of seriousness registered on his face proves that I might have.

James is a really close pal; more like a partner when it came down to winning things for MAISS. We got admitted on the same day and got to share the same desk all the time. We got separated in our first senior year ss1. A class was for those who choose to be science students while the B class was for the Art students.

"I'm sorry Jay but I can't quite remember what we talked about exactly. My head is pretty clouded lately, would you mind reminding me? "

"It's the spelling bee bro....spelling bee. How can you forget something as important as that?" Sounding very disappointed obviously.

Okay, if there is anything James appreciate most is being taken seriously. He has always counted on me whenever he seemed a little bit unsure of himself and right now looked like one of those times.

"Look,am sorry okay? I didn't entirely forget about the spelling bee. I just didn't realize it's already at the front line".

That was a stupid lie. we both know I totally forgot but surprisingly, James looked like he bought it.

Way to go bro. ...

"Has the date been announced yet?" I asked sagging on my desk that barely contain my full length.

"Next month on the 25th" he stated judging from the date,we have just a month to get our spellings right.

The state annual spelling bee competition has always been a tough cookie. Our school have always come in second place but this year,we intend to break that spell of coming in second and that's why we have come up with a new plan of recruiting a new member to our team.

"Do we have any new interested member yet?" I asked.

"None for now but am still hoping someone will sign up before it becomes too late because we don't have much time as it stands".

" about we both look for someone, I bet that will be faster and we will have more time to pratice"

"That sounds great " he said with a thoughtful look on his face

"Yes it does...anyways,we are still using the library right?"

"You bet we are" he smiled.

"Alright then...see you later? "


We gave each other a shoulder bro hug and James was out the door leaving me to my thought yet again.

Wining medals and other star prizes for MAISS has always been fun and this year competition promises to be better with lot and lot of new prizes to be won by the students and their respective school.  The principal and the entire school will be counting on those of us participating to win the star prize which was monetary for our school while my parents on the other hand would be hoping I win in other to get the scholarship to study abroad but what do I really want?

I turned to look at Katherine again and we made eye contact. I forced out a small smile and she looked away just as quickly. And that answered my question, what I want is her friendship; her attention and just maybe her heart too as time progresses. But that looked like a cliche all together.

Katherine is a girl I met within a period of two days and she has infected me with something I can't shake off. I was like a heart without a home.


And there you have it....lavi was day dreaming after all....hehehe...that was hard.....*run away. ...

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Much love

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