Chapter 26♧♤♡

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Katherine's pov


I was in my room studying when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come on in, the door is not locked"

I was lying on my stomach and had to take a seating position when my dad walked in and stopped mid way across the room as he took in the view before him.

My room was in a horrible shape as my clothes were littered everywhere.


"Yes dad?" My head was sagging with shame at this point. He calls me by my full name when he is upset.

"When was the last time you tidy this room? Cos this place look like a complete dumpster"

"I was going to do it as soon as am done studying" I lied but he bought it

A cute way of lying....

"You better get this place clean up before someone else sees it like this"

"No one is going to see it except aunty Nene of course and she doesn't even care what my room looks like...she'd clean it for me even"

"Well it will surprise you to know that, your principal and his family will be coming over for dinner, so I don't think you wanna burst your own bubble"

Principal? Did I hear correctly or he actually mentioned it.

"What do you mean my principal and his family will be coming over for dinner. Who invited them"

"I did?"

"But why dad? I mean why do you have to invite them over?"

I was horrified at the sound of that...why in the world did he have to do that....

My God.....

"Maybe you have forgotten but he is not just your principal remember? He also happens to be my long time friend and ever since we moved back here,I haven't really had time to catch up with old time friends so I thought it'd be nice to just invite someone over"

"And it had to be him?"

Don't get me wrong cos I don't hate him or anything like that but the thought of having the same person I get to see like five times in a week in my house isn't cool.

"Do you have someone else in mind we should have invited other than him?" He asked and just kept staring at me

"I don't know okay? Anyone except him"

"I thought so too so hurry up and clean up and get ready"


" long do I have before they show up?" With my shoulder sagging in total surrender. Who else would I have preferred? Lavi and his family? That will be a dream far fetched.

"An hour maybe. ..just hurry up and come down. Aunty Nene might need your help with dinner in the kitchen"

"I will come down once I finish up here"

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Where stories live. Discover now