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"No you can't tag along and as for catching up;I can lend you my note later but as for now,I got to go now"

Those were her last words before she walked out on me, leaving me to stare at her retreating steps with the world around suddenly closing in on me as I desperately tries to catch my breath over and over again. I was frozen to the ground but the earth itself won't stop spinning all around me.

I was stocked in an emotional spinning machine that was threatening to bring me to my knees.

I feel like my heart is already breaking on the inside.

The more i try my best to inhale, the more it seemed harder with each passing minute as each intake of breath came rather quick and short.

What the heck just happened?

That moment i held her in my arms again was real. I felt like a complete being again. Her scent filled me to the brim like an empty vessel being filled with the finest of wine.

My breath of fresh air.

What happened to that face that would always break out in a full smile whenever she sees me.

Why was she acting so cold and distanced towards me.

Was it some thing I said or did?

To think that i was hurrying to come see her a while ago only to have her turn her back on me as she walked away is just heart breaking.

For two whole weeks; i have pushed myself over the limit each day as I lean on the crutches over and over again. Making sure each step i took was stable and confident. Paving a way just to run back to her. How can she run away from me with the lame excuse of going somewhere.

Was everything not worth it?

It hurt so bad to watch her leave and i couldn't do anything to stop her. How could I when I was frozen to the ground.

I stood there another whole minute staring after her hoping she wasn't actually running away from me. That she might turn around at the last minute and tell me it was just a silly prank she was pulling in order to welcome me back and i will steal that kiss from her just like always but the longer i wait, the more the reality of her actions dawned on me and suddenly my stomach began to shut down in fear. Anxiety was beginning to get the best of me.

Does she plan on breaking up with me?

No no... That's just stupid. I mean, it's not like we had a quarrel or something.

What if she was?

For The love of Katherine(Book 1) Completed √ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat