Spot 8: wordsmith-

Start from the beginning

Weapons: Iron slashing sword that was made for him

Friends/Family: His wife, Agape and his daughter Kallistrate. He has three sons Nikias, Lysimachus, and Andronicus. His second and third in command are Clitus and Pyrrhos respectively.

Favorite Activities: There isn't much recreationally that Nikomedes enjoys doing. However, it could be said that he enjoys planning, mostly how to accumulate wealth.

Day They Were Captured: The day he was captured, Nikomedes was about to try and steal another kleroi. He at first thought he had been discovered but when he saw how different Kenneth's agents looked from everyone else, he realized something wasn't right. He still tried to fight, but was quickly disarmed and taken.



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Name: Agis

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Time They're From: 480

Country They're From: Ancient Greece, specifically Sparta

Languages: Doric Greek

Appearance: Agis is an ideal Spartan. He is physically very strong, every part of his body fit and ready for battle. He's tall, with thick, dark hair and dark eyes. His skin is tanned from years of training outdoors in any weather conditions, and he has a multitude of scars from either beatings or training injuries.

Backstory: Agis was born a full Spartan citizen, thanks to being born in Lacedaemon. When he was a baby, Agis was a twin. However, when his parents took them to see the priests, the priests decided that his brother was imperfect. As such, his twin was left in the forest while Agis' parents took him home. For a few years, Agis lived a relatively normal life. He played with other children his age and his mother taught him what she had learned in school as a child. His father was never there as he was still living in the barracks with the other men under 30.

Once Agis turned 7, he began his training with all the other boys his age. It was a brutal, harsh training meant to make him an efficient soldier. Every moment was devoted to making him the best warrior he could be. He had the bare minimum needed to survive, which meant a thin blanket, black broth, and no comforts. Following the example of some of the older boys, Agis snuck out in the middle of the night, something allowed as long as he wasn't caught. Once out he grabbed some bread and a couple of blankets before sneaking back inside. Agis did this several times throughout the years to get actual food or small comforts. Occasionally he'd get caught and was beaten as punishment, but more often than not he was successful at staying hidden.

At 20, he became a full citizen and member of the army. As he'd been excellent during his training, he also became a member of the Krypteia, Sparta's secret police that kept watch over the Helot slaves. To become a full member of the Krypteia, he had to kill one of the Helots, which he did easily, becoming an official member of the Krypteia. He then married Cynisca, a woman whom he'd occasionally spoken with on his 'secret' trips.

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