"You can take that other small wardrobe. Its not like I am sharing my room, I am a guest here myself, so it doesn't matter if you use this room." grunted Omkara, looking the other way. 

Gauri sighed. He was still unhappy over all this. She unpacked her luggage and took her night clothes. She wondered where should she change. Well, he said that she could use this room, so she will. She went to the washroom. When she came out she saw Omkara making his bed. 

Gauri took a pillow and blanket (for she felt cold in this centralized air conditioning), and decided whether she should sleep on the floor or on the couch?

"What are you doing?" asked Omkara

"I just...was... wondering where should I...." stammered Gauri. 

"You can take the bed, I was anyways planning to sleep on the floor." said Omkara, again without looking at her. 

"But this is your house. Or your grandparents house in any case. Why should you sleep on the floor? I am the guest here, I'll take the floor" Gauri insisted. 

"Exactly, you are the guest here. You should take the bed. Its my house, so I will decide where I sleep, and I choose the floor. I wasn't asking anyways, I am telling you." said Omkara, as he took a pillow and a sheet, and made his bed on the floor. 

Without as much as a backward glance, he laid down, and within minutes he seemed to be asleep.

"Who does he think he can order about? If in a fake marriage he is so authoritative, then God help his real wife when he actually gets married." commented Gauri, under her breadth. 

'Shankarji, what should I do?' thought Gauri. Yes, I will sleep on the couch, it looks too bad that he is sleeping on the floor while I lounge on his bed.

Gauri lied down on the couch, covered herself with the blanket, and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. These days she was so exhausted that sleep consumed her easily. 

Omkara woke up after some time. He wasn't used to sleeping on the floor, and it was really uncomfortable. Well, at least she could sleep well, he thought, but where was she? She was not on the bed? Did she flee the room at night? 

No, she was sleeping on the couch. That girl, he had told her to take the bed. 

Omkara was about to turn and try to sleep again, when he saw Gauri's tiny feet poking out of the blanket. Honestly, this blanket could cover three of her and yet her feet were sticking out. He dilly-dallied and thought what's the big deal, he might as well cover her feet, anyways, they seemed to be curling in the cold. 

As Omkara was about to cover her feet, he noticed some faint scars. What the hell? He touched her feet lightly, to see what it was under the faint light of the night lamp.

Gauri felt someone touching her feet. She remembered Kali touching her feet when he chained her, sending shivers of fear throughout her body. But how could it be Kali? He was dead, Gauri killed him. Had he returned again? Fear started building up in Gauri's subconscious mind, but she realized another thing: the fingers touching her feet weren't creepy but gentle. 

She opened her eyes. Omkara was examining her feet.

"What are you doing?" asked Gauri hastily removing her feet from under his hands. 

"I was seeing these marks...Gauri what are these?" Omkara asked seriously. 

Of course, the old scars which had faded away, were resurrected when Kali abducted and chained her for almost three days. But Gauri didn't want to tell Omkara about this. She didn't know what else to say either, so she just shifted her legs uncomfortably and looked at him suspiciously. 

God! she thinks I'm some creep now! thought Omkara. Didn't she say she trusted him? Didn't she say that she thought he was attracted to men?

"Don't worry, I am not looking for excuses to touch you. This marriage is fake, and it doesn't matter to me." said Omkara.

"You have repeated this sentence at least ten times now. Are you telling me or yourself?" asked Gauri, confronting his repeated low-key taunts, with as much dignity as she could. 

Omkara wanted to give a cutting reply but he saw his grandmother passing outside the room through his curtains. If she sees that Gauri is sleeping on the couch, she would surely blame him, without hearing his side, that he had already told Gauri to take the bed. The last thing he wanted tonight, was a telling off from his grandmother. He was already exhausted. 

Omkara shrugged and said, "I told you, sleep on the bed." 

Saying so, he picked her up and deposited her on the bed. Gauri was surprised by this move, it was so unexpected. 

"Oh and by the way, not to scare you, but I'm not into men." said Omkara cooly. He didn't want to frighten her, but he couldn't resist this opportunity to reply her back for the morning. 

Gauri looked at him agape. He threw the blanket on her and said, "Sleep." 

Omkara went back to sleeping on the floor, thinking about those scars on her feet. 

What were they? 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now