Transferee from Germany

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"Are you ok? Did you understand the lesson? I will lend my notes for you to study. I can even tutor you for you to catch up." Renji said making all their classmate turned their head to them even the guy in front of her.

"No it's ok Renji-kun. Maybe just lend me your notes I don't want to inconvenience you. I know you have practice and the student council. I'll be fine." Jasmine replied. All the girls around gasp because she address Yanagi Renji by his first name.

"Are you sure?" Renji asked. Knowing his cousin is a perfect genius adapting to this sudden change in atmosphere might be a little hard for her still.

"Yes. I am pretty sure." she said and smiled warmly at her cousin. Just then the free period passed by with Renji giving his notes to Jasmine and explaining some things to her and making everyone just stare at the two.

The bell ring for the lunch break this made Jasmine to sight in relief.

Just then the guy in front of her and his cousin started talking and then stand up together and were joined by another man. Almost everyone already left aside from the four of them and some who are eating their packed lunch.

"Yukimura, Sanada. I'd like to introduce you to Taira Jasmine. Jasmine-chan this is Yukimura and Sanada, my friends here since middle high they were also my co-member at the club."

"Nice meeting you, Yukimura-san, Sanada-san." Jasmine said smiling at the two.

"Nice meeting you too, Taira-san." Yukimura said and offer his hand to shake which Jasmine took. They smiled at each other. He looks friendly Jasmine thought '. . .and how should I say this beautiful? Yah that's right for a guy he is too beautiful.'

Sanada offered his hand for a shake to without saying anything. He looks a little scary and uptight Jasmine said as he looked at the black haired guy in front of him very masculine.

Sanada and Yukimura were then informed by Renji that they were actually cousin but by then the entire school already feasting over the rumor's that Yanagi Renji aka the Master is dating the transfer student from abroad. Even the member of their club Marui Bunta, Niou Masaharu and the rest were conversing at their usual spot about the news of the century.

"I still can't believe Yanagi was able to have a girlfriend! And she's even from abroad!" Marui said as he eat another bite of the cake he has with him.

This statement made the four halt and the cousin looked into each other's eyes. However Yukimura has this glint in his eyes saying that something is coming and it would amuse him for sure.

It didn't take long for the rest to notice them approaching their table. They immediately shifted their gaze at the lady next to Yanagi Renji. Each of them have their own thoughts.

She look rather interesting, Marui Bunta thought.

She seems familiar, was the thought of Yagyuu or more known as the Gentleman.

Puri, was all in the thought of Niou.

So close yet so far (Prince of Tennis)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant