"I don't think you two have ever even met," I said, looking from her to him. Have they? I can't recall a time. Seems weird that they'd never met, after all this time.

"I don't think we have either," she said, tilting her head to the side. "I've heard him talk about you so much that I feel like I know you, though."

He laughed a little. "Funny, I was going to say the exact same thing about you."

"Well, even though you both know each other vicariously through me, Connor, this is Gemma; Gemma, this is Connor."

"Nice to meet you," she said, and they shook hands. Her smile was so electric, I almost smiled too. If Connor wasn't Connor and I wasn't positive that she was in love with me, I would be sort of jealous of this interaction.

"Nice to meet you too," he replied, smiling with equal enthusiasm. "You guys can get back to your conversation that I totally interrupted."

She laughed a little, and it was super charming and I looked at him to make sure he wasn't falling in love or anything. He didn't look like it. "Thanks," I said.

She looked back at me and smiled. "You look nice." She lowered her voice quieter than when she was talking to Connor.

I smiled too. "You already said that this morning. And you're the one who looks nice. Well, a lot more than nice. The other bridesmaids don't stand a chance."

She looked down at her dress, a sort of burgundy color that looked really pretty on her. Well, any color looked really pretty on her, but for some reason, especially this one.

"Well, it's not a competition, but thank you," she said, a bit of laughter in her voice. "How are you doing?"

I shrugged. "Fine. Just hanging out," I replied. "I'm glad that I can finally talk to you."

She nodded. "Agreed. I can't take the separation," she said with a grin.


We each didn't say anything, and I heard Lucky by Jason Mraz playing, a song which Gemma has expressed her fondness for in previous conversations. As if on cue, she gasped.

"I love this song," she said, her voice soft.

I smiled amusedly at her excitement. "This would make a good duet."

"I can play it on the guitar," she told me. "If you're looking to sing it with me, or something crazy like that."

"That's exactly what I'm looking to do," I replied. "Don't let me forget."

She nodded as she smiled. Neither of us said anything, she just hummed along to the song for a little bit.

"We should get married," she said lightly, out of the blue, a bit of a smile dancing on her lips.

I felt my heart stop beating for a second, as if she was actually serious.

"Yeah," I replied. "We should."

Then we both laughed a little bit.

"Imagine that. Nobody even knew we were together and then we just announce we're engaged," she said, resting her chin on her hand.

"Or we just don't even say that we're engaged and just get married."

Can you imagine?

"I know we're just joking around right now, but it's like, sort of tempting," she said, making me laugh.

On one hand, getting married is the last thing I want to do, but on the other hand, getting married to Gemma Clark is the only thing I want to do. I would never have the guts to do it though, and I don't think she would, either.

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