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Charlotte stayed true to her word and made sure the refugees she rescued were properly taken care of. They got the medical attention they needed along with a warm meal and a place to sleep. She also made it a point to apologize for all the inconveniences. To her surprise the brunette received a trinket from one of the children that was aboard the ship. It was nothing more than a leather cord of wooden beads and strange shells but Charlotte adored the gesture. Percy was squeezed in a hug by the same child before they bid the pair farewell and ran off to their awaiting parent.

“Well, that went better than I expected.” Charlotte comments closing her hand around the gift and leaning down to lift Percy into her arms. The squirrel was a bit dazed and he closes his eyes tightly to will it away.

“What may seem as a small part will lead to something bigger in the future. With each mission you complete, refugee you save and enemy you defeat the team is one step closer to bringing peace to the universe.” Percy tells the brunette as he makes himself comfortable.

A new voice cuts into their conversation. “Pardon my intrusion. The prisoner has been properly detained in a cell. I have also notified your comrades who will perform questioning in the foreseeable future.” Prince Krona walks over to the silver paladin. Charlotte took notice of the fact that he wasn’t accompanied by his guards. They must be keeping watch over the saboteur. She thinks to herself and meets the prince’s gaze.

"We should probably head to the castle. If Keith isn’t back now he should be soon.." Charlotte releases a yawn partially covering her mouth with her hand. Percy leaves his place in her arms to settle upon her shoulder. A sudden idea strikes her. "Hey Krona?"

The Uvian prince looks over at the brunette. "Is there something you need?"

"What do you say to giving me a piggy-back ride to the castle?" Charlotte gives the prince a grin.

"A pidgie...back..ride?" The prince looked utterly confused. “I’m afraid I do not understand.” Percy on the other hand stares at Charlotte in horror.

"Charlotte! You cannot just go around asking royalty for childish piggy-back rides! Act your age!" The squirrel scolds pinching her cheek harshly.

The silver paladin winces reaching up a hand to grab Percy by the scruff of his neck. "Oh come now Percival allow me to have a little fun!" She sticks her tongue out at the rodent in her hand. “We almost died earlier!”

"I always allow you to have your fun with Keith or the other paladins. However you are now in the presence of royalty so be respectful!"

"Krona's our friend, I doubt he wants us treating him like he's standing on a pedestal. We treat Allura as one instead of a ruler."

Krona clears his throat grabbing the bickering pair's attention. "Pardon me, I am quite interested in this pidgie ride you are talking about. Would you mind explaining further?"

Charlotte's eyes practically light up. She tosses Percy onto her shoulder and dives into an explanation. "It’s actually piggy not pidgie. Basically one person kneels down and another gets on their back. Then the first person stands up placing their arms under the other person's legs so they don't fall off. It’s actually pretty easy to do."

The explanation seemed to be somewhat understood by the prince. He kneels to the ground and turns his head to look at Charlotte for confirmation. "Is this right?"

"Yup just stay there." Charlotte tells him and climbs on his back. She then instructs him to stand back up. “Now link your arms under my legs.” Slowly Krona rises to his feet hooking his arms underneath Charlotte's legs. The brunette shifts her weight into a more comfortable position and rests her hands on his shoulders.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now