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Planet Uvis. A world made up of small islands all clustered together surrounded by water. No two housing structures were identical. Each design was carefully crafted. Every one different and yet blended so well with nature. Charlotte found the inhabitants to be just as quirky as their homes. Their skin color was a navy blue. The markings along their arms and legs wrapped around and spread like roots of a tree. Starting out large then thinning out into pencil lines. They had gills like a fish but could walk on land like humans.

Allura stood before the planet's ruler, a plump man with oily blue skin and regal clothing. The root-like markings on his skin were mustard yellow and matched his eyes. A crown made of seashells and jewels perched upon his head. Behind the princess was team Voltron. Each member kneeled respectfully in front of the king. Charlotte was among them head bowed but eyes wandering. Coran stood at the princess's side as her royal advisor.

"Thank you for coming to our aid. When the Galra invaded our planet they took one of my people hostage. I beg of you to bring them home safely!" The king pleas. His face was sweaty, hands gesturing wildly in the air. Although his eyes held fear there was another hidden emotion. Nervousness? Something about this rubbed Charlotte the wrong way. She stayed silent choosing to address the matter with the paladins in private.

"Do not worry it is our duty to release planets and their people from Galra control. My paladins will see to it that the prisoner is rescued." Allura assures him turning to face the team. They rise to their feet looking at the princess.

"Looks like we have another rescue mission. Let's get moving." Shiro says bowing to the king and leading his team from the throne room. As they board the ship to talk about a plan Charlotte opens her mouth. Keith seemed to have the same idea seeing as they speak at the exact same time.

"He's hiding something." The duo look at one another with raised brows.

"You two aren't gonna be the weird couple that speaks in unison all the time are you?" Lance questions. He receives a pinch on the cheek from Charlotte and an eye roll from Keith.

"What do you mean? Sure the man sweats a lot but one of his citizens did get kidnapped by invaders." Hunk shrugs having not seen anything wrong with the king.

"I have no doubt he's concerned however..."

"It could be a trap to lure us in so they can get their hands on Voltron." Keith finishes for Charlotte. They had a mutual understanding between them. Combining the brunette's ability to read people and the red paladin's skepticism.

"Trap or not we can't just ignore a cry for help." Shiro nods to Coran. The Altean projects an image of an enemy battleship.

"We'll split into two teams and approach from their blindspot. Once inside avoid contact with the enemy if you can. The faster we get in and retrieve the prisoner the better." Their leader briefly explains the plan and they're off.

Charlotte wanted to question Shiro's decision when he made teams. Percy let out a disgruntled squeak from his perch on her shoulder. Keith was piloting Red with both she and Hunk in the cockpit. The silence between the trio was deafening. Green housed the remainder of team Voltron leaving Allura and Coran on the ship in case things went south.

"If the Galra don't kill me this uncomfortable silence will." Charlotte murmurs jokingly to Percy. The squirrel gives her a look seeing as her comment was in poor taste. She shrugs at him getting in position. Keith lands the red lion on the underside of the ship. Exiting through the feline's trapdoor the he cuts a hole large enough for them to enter through. Shiro confirms infiltration from his side and ceases communication.

Charlotte, Hunk and Keith travel carefully down a long hallway. They traverse through the ship using the map projected from Hunk's gauntlet. "The prison should be at the end of this hallway. Not that I'm complaining but where are all the troops?" The yellow paladin inquires as Keith takes the lead. They soon come across a cell guarded by two robot sentries.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now