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Barreling through the front doors of the castle, Charlotte runs down the hall to the throne room. Guards shouted at her to stop but she didn't listen. Sliding in front of a large pearl door she shoves it open searching the room frantically with her eyes. Sitting half asleep on in his chair was the Chief. Beside him stood his brother Tarphaz. He didn't seem too pleased to see the brunette. Chief Rozarc sits up straighter noticing Charlotte's disheveled appearance.

"We have a major problem. I just saw a Galra ship entering the atmosphere." Charlotte relays to the Chief.

Rozarc's dark purple eyes widen in alarm. "Are you certain of this? I cannot raise a panic if it so happens that you are mistaken."

"My team and I encountered them many times before I crash landed here. I'm absolutely certain it is them. Please we need to evacuate everyone to a safe place in the castle." She pleads clenching her fists at her side.

"You are still a stranger to us why should we believe you? Who is to say you didn't contact the Galra to come finish us off? I saw you sending a message from one of our ship's console's." Tarphaz snears taking an intimidating step toward the brunette.

"Charlotte has done no such thing you egotistical cretin!" Percy's tail flares up in anger at the accusation.

Chief Rozarc looks between his brother and the human he knew as Charlotte. All the young girl has ever done is try to help his tribe. There was no need to doubt her and yet his brother's words planted a seed in his mind. She was still a stranger to them with a story she had yet to fully share. However if it truly was the Galra attacking the last of his kind would be in danger.

"Guards! Begin evacuating the village. Send them all to the underground bunker." Rozarc commands slamming the staff in his hand onto the ground. The guards who had followed Charlotte into the room swiftly leave to carry out orders. His eyes meet Charlotte's and the girl gives him a nod. The pair run out of the room to assist in the evacuation.

Charlotte did her best to aid in the endeavors by carrying children and helping the elders into a guarded room. Percy left her shoulder to console a group of crying kids huddled together of the bunker. As she helped the Broicleans she noticed a fire spreading in the distance. Most likely the Galra's way of trying to sniff them out. The mere thought left a bad taste in Charlotte's mouth. That's all they seemed to do. Conquer planets and kill all those that oppose.

"This is the last one. We will be closing the door now and activating the castle's defense system." Rozarc informs her as he helps an elderly woman sit upon the ground. Charlotte unfolds a blanket and drapes it around the woman's shoulders with a small smile. True to the Chief's word metal panels begin to descend from the ceiling nearing the ground. It was then she noticed the Chief's brother was missing.

"My place is out there acting as another line of defense." Charlotte glances at the Chief who seemed against the idea. "All of you stay here and be safe. If you need to get in contact with me my companion has a communicator." Turquoise eyes look over at Percy who was swishing his fluffy tail at the group of children.

"They'll kill you. One girl is nothing compared to an army." Rozarc tries to change her mind.

"How about a girl with the heart of a lion?" The brunette counters with a small smirk. Pulling up her hood, Charlotte positions the bandana to cover her mouth and the goggles to shield her eyes. With one final nod she darts from the room as the large door slams and locks shut.

Static came through the communicator on her ear. She actually forgot the piece of equipment was still there. A faint voice came through but the message was too muddled for her to make out. Even when she tried to get the person to repeat the message it wouldn't clear up. Heading deeper into the castle Charlotte returns to the room where the silver lion resides. Running up to the ramp in the lion's mouth, she is suddenly yanked backwards and thrown to the ground. Sliding across the metal flooring Charlotte lets out a grunt.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя