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Fighting could be heard from outside the docking bay door as Charlotte approached. The noise caught her off guard seeing as everyone was supposed to be on another mission. She didn't expect Allura to of already informed the paladins. Sure the brunette was packed and ready to go but part of her wished to hold off. Seems like it was now or never. Needless to say it certainly wasn't going to go over well.

"Better get this over with. They don't sound happy." She murmurs steeling her nerves. Taking a shaky breath the door slides open as she steps forward.

Allura looked at Charlotte with sympathy. "I'm deeply sorry Charlotte I had to tell them."

"Are you kidding me? After everything we've been through you're just going to up and leave?!" Keith growls walking up and grabbing her by the upper arm. He felt betrayed that all of a sudden she'd do this without at least mentioning it to him first.

"I'm just...so sick of wasting my time here. Especially when I come to find out my father has been on Earth this whole time." She says meeting Keith's glare with one of her own. Inside she was breaking bit by bit but wouldn't let it show. Shiro frowns at her words knowing it had to be a lie. Why else would she of questioned him if her father was safe on earth? Unless he truly was and Charlotte wished to join him by leaving the team.

"This is a joke right? Charlie tell me you're joking." Lance moves toward them. As much as it pained Charlotte she stepped back wrenching herself free of Keith's hold. Trying her best to ignore his crestfallen expression she addresses the issue.

"I've already discussed it with the princess. The ship is already prepared. I wanted to break the news to you sooner but never found the right moment. I am sorry but this is my decision." She bites on her lip trying to force back the tears.

"Wait I thought the returning to earth option was off the table." Hunk frowns looking over at Pidge. "We got rid of that idea after you threatened to leave right? Guys?"

"I don't know anymore..." Pidge mumbles chewing on her bottom lip.

"Charlie you can't just leave. I'm relieved your father is home safe but we need you here to fight alongside us." Shiro tells the brunette. His gray eyes looked at her shuffling form.

"This is not up for discussion. Charlotte is to leave and none of you are to stop her. If you truly are her friends you would do well to respect her wishes." Allura cuts in. She informs Charlotte that she's going to prep the wormhole and leaves.

"Think of it as a very very long vacation!" Coran supplies trying to help. Only his words seem to have the opposite effect. He bids Charlotte a farewell and follows the princess to assist.

"Then leave already. I don't want you here. I never should've trusted you!" Keith's words were like daggers digging into her flesh. Part of her knew he couldn't help it. It was his way of shielding himself from the pain he must be feeling. By lashing out at the person that broke down his walls in the first place. Hitting his shoulder against Charlotte's Keith walks to the exit.

"For once I agree with you Keith. Friends wouldn't betray each other like this." Lance says bitterly. He walks toward the door after the red paladin.

"Lance, Keith come on guys don't be like that." Hunk frowns going after the pair. As he passes by Charlotte he pulls her into a side hug and tells her to stay safe. Sniffling he lets her go walking out of the docking bay before anyone sees him cry.

"I guess...that's my cue." Hoisting the bag containing her belongings over her shoulder Charlotte climbs into the ship. The two remaining in the room watched her with sad expressions. As she starts it up Pidge runs up banging her fists on the glass. Startled the brunette looks over at the green paladin. Tears poured down her face as she yelled words muffled by the glass. Shiro had to remove the distraught girl and lead her from the room.

Now alone Charlotte allowed the tears to escape. They came in waves blurring her vision. Wiping at them furiously she receives the final go ahead from Allura. After pressing the correct buttons the ship is airborne. Gripping the handles she maneuvers it out of the hangar and into space. A glowing blue wormhole could be seen in the distance. Percy, who was in her pocket crawls out to sit on the seat beside her.

"Do you think I'm making a mistake?" She questions the squirrel softly.

"My dear why is it that you chose to do this?" He asks looking up at her with beady brown eyes.

"To find the Guardian and use it to aid Voltron." Percy shakes his head at her response.

"No, what is the real reason? The true purpose that you feel in here." His paw rests over where her heart is. Charlotte's blue eyes flash in recognition. Of course, how could she of been so blind? Percy chuckles to himself knowing she found the answer. Feeling a new sense of determination she grips the controls once more flying into the awaiting wormhole and out of sight.

Time passed by in a blur for the members of team Voltron following Charlotte's departure. Before any of them realized it became apparent just how much of an effect she had on the atmosphere. Keith locked himself in his room only leaving to train and on missions. Out of them all he took it the hardest and for good reason. Lance wasn't much better. He didn't let his anger show but hid his sadness behind fake smiles. Pidge locked herself in Charlotte's old lab. She and Hunk tinkered with any old projects the blue-eyed girl left unfinished. Speaking of Hunk. The poor boy spent most of his time stress cooking. That is until the kitchen became so full he was kicked out by Coran. Shiro stayed firm and kept the team functioning. The older man wasn't heartless by any means. He too missed Charlotte but she made her choice. This was war, soldiers will come and go.

Allura periodically checks the comlink for any word from the brunette after all the paladins leave and she is alone in the confines of her room. The more time that passed the less likely an answer would be presented. Keeping Charlotte's true reason hidden was proving to be more difficult than she originally thought. Especially after she was separated from the paladins with no way of reaching them. Each of the lions had been ripped from their hangars and cast out into various parts of the universe. The castle ship had been cycling through a void following after the battle with Zarkon.

Just as the princess was ready to give up hope someone had locked in her coordinates. Eager to teleport out of there before Coran vanished she cross referenced the location and performed a wormhole jump. Breathing a sigh of relief Pidge and the green lion appear on her monitor. Thanks to the tech wiz she and Coran made it out safely with the grown man back to his usual self.

Now with Pidge on board it didn't take very long for Allura to lock down the locations of both Shiro and Keith. The black paladin sustained damage from his fight with the witch Haggar and was lead to a healing pod to make a recovery. Slowly the team came together once more ending with Lance and Hunk. They had their hands full after landing on a planet being mind controlled by a giant creature. Yes the princess was grateful to have them all return relatively unharmed, minus Shiro of course.

Constantly being on the run from Zarkon did nothing for the team's morale. None of them had the foggiest idea as to how the Emperor kept finding them. Exhausted and bruised from previous battles they try their best to outrun Galra forces. Most of the time they are able. However the repeated wormhole jumps are draining for Princess Allura. Team Voltron will be dead on their feet if they do not get to the bottom of this and soon.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now