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Team Voltron gathered on the bridge. Each of them performing different tasks. Toward the front in the black paladin's chair sat Keith. His eyes focused on the screen before him as he rested his head against his palm. Pidge was running a scan of the castle's systems to ensure everything was still in working order. Hunk was trying to be subtle but everyone could tell he was snoozing in the back. Coran and Allura both stood in their respective places manning the helm.

Charlotte was flipping through the photo album that belonged to her father. So far she had a few hits on planets he may of visited. She hasn't been able to act on any of the leads given how busy the team has been with countering Lotor. Also, it wasn't as if Charlotte had the silver lion to pilot at the moment for any solo missions. Lance was leaning over his armrest to look at the pictures as well. He was surprised to find that the normal paper photos were able to display holograms when you ran a hand across them.

Percy sat on Charlotte's lap reading on her tablet. The brunette had formed the habit of documenting everything from mission reports to detailed files on the paladins. All the information was stored on her device and locked with a special sequenced code Pidge developed. Well that and the bug Charlotte rigged the device with to explode if it was ever accessed by someone who wasn't an ally. What could she say? Precautionary measures were a must have in an ongoing war.

Sirens suddenly blared from the main screen on the bridge. A specific alarm that the team has never heard before. Allura and Coran stood completely still. Their faces paled significantly as if they were staring at a ghost. When Keith prompted them on what was going on Coran attempted to gather his bearings.

"It's an old Altean distress code. One that was used on King Alfor's ships." His expression was troubled.

Allura's eyes stared at the screen. Her hands were clutched against her chest. "Could it be that we're not the last Alteans alive?" Her voice was filled with hope.

"Wait, what if it is someone cloning the signal to try and lure us in?" Keith's eyes narrow.

"The signal is from an old Altean ship and we are going to find it." Allura's voice was firm and commanding. She guides the Castle of Lions through a wormhole and into another part of the universe.

Ahead of their ship was another spacecraft. Allura recognized it as an exploration vessel which Coran further confirms for her. However he couldn't find any records of its destination or the mission it was assigned. Lance ponders on what could of happened to it while Hunk suggests that maybe it was caught in a wormhole.

"That's unlike an wormhole I've ever seen." Coran states.

Pidge zooms in on the ship and the portal-like area that surrounded it. "There's a massive amount of energy emanating from it. It's centered right around where the ship is stuck.

"We have to see if there is anyone aboard." Allura insists.

"Well we could send a probe over to it to better understand what this thing is." Pidge suggests.

Keith gives her the go ahead. The team collectively watches as the green paladin flies her probe closer to the ship. As the readings come through Pidge is able to rule out any radioactive decay. Hunk also claims that it isn't a gravitational force either due to the probe staying on course. It wasn't a black hole either given out the light was radiating out and not in. Coran suddenly freezes. He recognized the energy signature as quintessence. Right as the Altean makes the connection Pidge's probe flies into a wall of energy and disappears instantly.

"Okay so let's not go anywhere near there." Lance had a small bit of fear in his voice.

"We must. Besides, Voltron's compositional strength far exceeds anything else in the universe. We received an Altean distress signal which must mean someone is alive on that ship. As paladins of Voltron it is our duty to help." Allura wasn't leaving the team much room to argue. Yet that didn't stop Keith.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now