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Time came to a screeching halt. A tense silence filled the room as Charlotte stood up straight. The longer they gawked at her the more awkward it became. Rubbing at her eyes she tries desperately to stop the tears flowing down her cheeks. She manages to take one step back toward Silver before her body is lifted into the air. Letting out a surprised yelp the brunette looks down to see Hunk. Ugly sobs were escaping his mouth as snot dripped from his nose. Her body was being crushed against him in a bear hug.

"I k-knew we'd find you!" Hunk cries spinning her around.

"H-Hunk take it easy please!" Charlotte pleads for him to put her down. As he sets her down, Pidge launches herself at the pair wrapping her arms and legs around Charlotte's waist and neck. The brunette nearly falls over from the impact but reaches out to grab Hunk's arm steadying herself.

"You are in so much trouble!" Pidge scolds hitting her on the head. Her brown eyes watered as she buried her face into the younger teens neck. Percy, who was previously hiding in Charlotte's hood climbs atop her head so he isn't squished.

"I am rather offended neither of you missed me." The squirrel crosses his paws over his chest with a huff. Pidge chuckles at him and scratches under his chin affectionately. Hunk pats him on the head reassuring that he missed his kitchen helper

Coran joins the growing group hug with tears pouring from his eyes. "As honorary space uncle I forbid you from pulling a stunt like this again!"

Shiro is next hugging her firmly to chest and messing up her perfectly braided hair. His gray eyes struggled to hold an angry expression. It melted away almost instantly into relief knowing that she was safe and sound. Allura squeezes her way between everyone placing her hands on the brunette's face. She told the girl how proud she was for accomplishing her goal and welcomed her back to the team.

As the group parted Lance finally made his appearance. He leaned down to rest his chin on Charlotte's shoulder. His hands latched onto the back of her coat as water droplets fell onto her clothing. Even when he told himself not to cry it happened anyway. He was afraid if he let go she would vanish before his eyes. That he'd lose his dear friend once more. Charlotte's hand reached up to rest atop his head in an attempt to offer some form of comfort.

"You left even after saying you wouldn't. How could you just l-lie to me?" Lance's voice sounded so defeated in her ear.

"I'm so sorry Lance. It was wrong of me but I'm here now and I promise I'm not leaving again if I can help it." She whispers gently running her nails along his scalp. It takes a few minutes but the teen manages to compose himself enough to release Charlotte from his hold. That just left one more person.

Keith wasn't sure of how to react. Charlotte was standing before him in the flesh. She looked exactly the same as when she left minus the new wardrobe. He ran this scenario in his head countless times in hopes of seeing the blue-eyed brunette again. So naturally Keith ultimately made the decision to trust his initial thought. Upon not believing it to fully be real, he attacked.

A strangled yelp comes from the girl a she pushes Lance out of the way. Noises of surprise came from the rest of the team as Charlotte drew her spear from her back. Pressing the button to extend it she takes on a defensive position. Not exactly the heartfelt reunion I was expecting but alright. A loud rumble shakes the room, the silver lion was giving Keith a warning. Her eyes shift onto the lion hoping that they were connected enough for her to make it stand down.

"Lay down your weapons this instance!" Percy squeaks jumping up and down on Charlotte's shoulder in anger.

"Keith what is wrong with you man?!" Lance shouts moving to intercept the two. "Why are you attacking her?"

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ