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A man with sandy blonde hair sits underneath a blanket of stars. In his lap rested his daughter's head as her turquoise eyes peered up at the sky. She was no older than twelve. Together they quizzed each other on the constellations.

"Charlie point out the Ursa Major." Alexander requests running a hand through the girl's long brown hair.

The young girl lifts her hand into the air pointing her gloved finger at the correct stars. She begins with the Big Dipper that forms the backside and tail of the bear. From there she branches out then doubles back to complete the head. Connecting the stars with her imaginary line she finishes the pattern with its legs.

"Very good, you have been paying attention." He chuckles after checking her work.

"Come on father everyone knows that one. Give me a harder one." Charlotte grins.

"Alright, how about Leo?"

"That one's easy too. You just connect the stars until you have a lion." She states blowing a piece of hair from her face and demonstrating.

Alexander hums to himself wracking his brain for a suitable challenge. Of course Charlotte knew that one by heart it was her favorite. Snapping his fingers he looks down at the young girl who was waiting patiently.


Charlotte squints her eyes scanning the sky for the constellation. From what she could recall it was the dimmest constellation of the Zodiac. Letting out a sigh she looks back at her father's smiling face.

"Having a hard time? Try again using your goggles. I packed them in the bag." She misses his knowing smile as she sits up to pull her father's backpack closer. Using the light from their lantern she unzips it and peers inside. Not noticing that the bag was already partially opened.

Digging around inside she triumphantly pulls out the goggles and pulls them over her eyes. Pressing a small button on the side the lenses flicker to life. As she goes to zip up the bag movement inside catches her eye. Opening it further she pauses doing a double take to assure she wasn't just seeing things.

"Father? Why is there a squirrel in your backpack?" Charlotte reaches inside and carefully removes the curled up ball of fur. The rodent let out quiet snores from atop her palms.

"I know it can be hard sometimes with just the two of us at home. On my last trip into town I found this little guy. He was being bullied by some younger kids in the park. I intervened and when I went to leave he refused to leave my side so I brought him home." Alexander explains reaching over to scratch the critter behind his long ears.

"Have you given him a name?" Her bright eyes look up at her dad curiously.

"I thought I'd let you do the honors kiddo."

Charlotte gazes fondly down at the squirrel. He was beginning to wake up stretching his body across her palms and swishing his tail lazily in the wind. Standing up straight his beady brown eyes lock onto the girl. His head tilts to the side in mild confusion.

"A squirrel this magnificent should have a name just as wonderful." Charlotte presses her nose gently to the small squirrel's watching his eyes fall closed in contentment. "Welcome to the family Percival."

Charlotte cracks open her eyes with difficulty. The soreness around them and the tears that stained her cheeks didn't help the matter. Instinctively she looks to the side where a smaller pillow was always stationed beside her own. Tears well up in her eyes once more upon finding it empty. Sitting up the brunette pulls her knees to her chest and cries into them. Her shoulders shook with each sob realizing it was just her past coming back to haunt her.

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