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Analyzing five different computer chips and piecing together the information should come easy to someone who lived for research right? Wrong. Charlotte was at her wit's end returning to the video located on this drive. Turquoise eyes scanned every inch of the video as her father's voice played through the speakers. Keith sat beside her flipping through the many pages of notes she jotted down and highlighting those of importance. Every once and awhile he'll cross out any contradicting statements and revise them to better suit her theory.

"Log two. Day twenty. King Alfor and I have made significant progress in creating Project Guardian's prototype. If all goes according to plan we shall have a finished product in a matter of weeks. With this newfound technology we can end all war. Save civilizations from becoming extinct and bring hope to those who have been oppressed. My only fear is that it may one day fall into the hands of someone with evil intentions. A test of ideals will need to be passed to use it. Only time will tell."

Could he mean the lions? Voltron is a protector but this was before it was made. Charlotte rubs her eyes closing the video and inserting another chip. The one she received from Yellow. Clicking on the video file another message plays.

"Log three. Day fifty five. Project Guardian is a success. After months of trial and error we finally have a finished working model. King Alfor has relinquished the controls to me and I shall begin testing immediately. I'm one step closer to my goal. If all goes accordingly we can manufacture at least five more machines with different properties. Soon the universe will have a full team at its disposal." Charlotte's father spoke sternly a familiar twinkle is his eye. She gets the same look when discovering something new and profound. Furrowing her brows she retrieves a piece of paper and a pen jotting down a few things.

"We have a decent amount of information. Should we take a break?" Keith questions setting the book down and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her body to his chest. Letting out a sigh Charlotte crumbles up the paper throwing it into the corner of the room where an overflowing trash bin sat. A break did sound rather enticing after all. Turning around in his arms she rests her head against his chest listening to his heartbeat. The rhythmic thumping easing the stress away.

"Should we be worried that for the past few days we haven't encountered any Galra or received a distress call?" Charlotte inquiries to the red paladin.

"Don't jinx it, we finally have time to ourselves for a change." Keith mutters burying his face into her hair. He lets out a contented sigh allowing himself to drift off into a light sleep. Closing her eyes Charlotte tries to catch up on some much needed rest as well. She feels herself teetering on the edge of consciousness when someone decides to interrupt their peace.

Shiro's voice comes from the com installed on the side of Charlotte's door. "Hey you two, Allura is requesting a status report make your way to the bridge."

Letting out a sigh Charlotte removes herself from Keith's hold to give their leader a reply. "Be down in a few minutes." She ignores the look of 'I told you so' from Keith to gather all of her materials. Together they exit the room mentally preparing themselves for a long explanation. All these mandatory reports are beginning to tick me off.

"So what you seem to be telling me is that after all this time all you to have found is what we already seem to know. Your father built a machine capable of destroying the universe. Perhaps it would be wise to focus more on the research instead of extra activities." Allura tells the pair after they display their findings.

"All due respect princess but I'm only going off the information I've received from Lions your own father created. Project Guardian is a weapon we already know this. I presume it was made before Voltron was even created. However I still have two more chips to research so maybe you should let me get back to it instead of having to do these ridiculous progress reports every few hours." Charlotte snaps at the princess. She didn't mean to sound spiteful but the ever growing headache she currently sported wasn't eased by the princess's nagging. Massaging her temples Charlotte begins to gather up her equipment back into the proper slots of her bag.

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