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An hour later Keith informed the rest of the team that he was part Galra. For the most part they took it similar to how Charlotte did. Lance teased him that he'd become a furry. Both Keith and Charlotte stared at him blankly having not the faintest clue what that was. Whatever it seemed to be it made Pidge laugh so hard she fell to the ground holding her stomach. Hunk even started cracking a few jokes about it. Coran was sort of on the fence at first but after the initial surprise he was fine. Shiro of course already knew so he remained neutral. Everyone was as accepting as Keith hoped they would be. All except for Allura. The princess rarely looked at him or addressed him in conversation. Even as they were working on the plan to defeat Zarkon she talked with everyone but the red paladin.

Hunk had fallen asleep about three hours ago missing the whole planning process. When he finally snaps awake Lance runs through the whole thing for him. One by one the team is split up each given their individual tasks. Hunk and Keith were tasked with gathering scaultrite from the belly of a Weblum. Lance, Pidge and Shiro needed to break into a maximum security prison to free some sort of genius by the name of Slav. Coran was returning to Olkarion to work on the wormhole generator that would transport Zarkon's ship. That left Charlotte and Percy to stay on the ship with Allura as they travelled back to the Balmera. Needless to say the brunette wasn't exactly looking forward to the trip.

Charlotte could understand the princess's outlook seeing as her whole planet was destroyed by the Galra. What she didn't agree with was how she judged others based on the actions of the few. Keith was their friend and just because there was Galra blood running through him doesn't mean he wasn't the same person from before.

As everyone said their goodbyes Charlotte was lifted into a bear hug by Hunk. He reminds her not to disappear again before setting her down. The goodbye she shared with Keith was brief. He pressed a kiss to her head and released her from his hold to say farewell to Shiro.They share a heartwarming embrace wishing one another good luck.

Lance and Pidge wander over to Charlotte trapping her in a group hug. Laughing softly she gives them a firm squeeze turning to face their leader. Shiro made her promise to behave and watch over the princess. She reassures him not to worry giving him one final hug before he departs. Coran placed a gentle hand atop her head before climbing into his cruiser. One by one the yellow lion, blue lion and Coran's ship depart from the castle.

"Well Allura we have a long trip ahead of us. I'm going to see if I can pick the lock on the chest Chief Rozarc gifted to me. Find me in Red's Hangar if you need me." With a wave Charlotte makes her way to the door of the bridge. She wanted to use the time wisely. Maybe even working on a few projects she left behind.

"Charlotte I would like to remain here for a while if that is alright." Percy climbs out of her jacket pocket and stands upon her shoulder.

"Be my guest, I won't forbid you from doing what you like. Just be sure to behave yourself." A small smile appears on the brunette's face. She lifts him into her palm and walks back over to Allura and the mice. The princess was sitting on the step watching the mice play charades. She places the squirrel beside Allura who gives her a polite smile. Charlotte nods in acknowledgement turning on her heel and departing.

A sigh escapes the Altean's lips as her cheek rests upon her hand. "I fear Charlotte and I are on rocky ground once again. Has she said anything to you Percy?" Her vibrant eyes look over at the squirrel who was watching the mice in slight amusement. They were performing circus tricks to keep the princess entertained.

"I wouldn't go as far as to say that. Charlotte sympathizes with how you feel and wants to respect that. She's seen firsthand on multiple occasions how ruthless our enemy can be. Her only wish would be that you do not mistaken our comrades for adversaries." Percy brushes his paw gently through his tail. His eyes stare out at the stars surrounding the Castle of Lions.

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