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The surrounding air nipped at Charlotte's exposed cheeks the faster she traveled through the desolate night on her hover board. Security at the Garrison became tighter recently due to unforeseen circumstances. This made it much harder for her to sneak out and explore the desert at night. Tonight marked the first day in about a week where she managed to slip outside undetected. A small mass of fur curled up in her jacket pocket letting out soft snores. Charlotte smiles, gently petting the squirrel with her finger and focused back on the dark sand around them. The cave father mentioned in his journal should be getting close. An opening in the rock just wide enough for a person to squeeze through enters her line of sight.

"Bingo." Charlotte leans her hover board near the opening and tugs her goggles to rest on her collarbone. She was eager to see just what her father discovered in one of his many explorations. Wedging herself in between the two walls wasn't an easy feat even with her small stature. "No wonder father couldn't fully explore this cave. I can barely fit let alone someone with his build." Charlotte huffed to herself and presses on. Her journey through the cleft progressed for some time. Small breaks were taken the farther she advanced through the narrow passage to check on her travelling companion while also calming her own breathing from being sandwiched between two walls for so long.

A sigh of relief passes from her lips as she is finally freed from the suffocating position. The glow of her flashlight illuminated scratches adorning the cave walls. Her turquoise eyes darted to a peculiar shape covered partially in brown dirt. The brunette's gloved hands carefully brushed away the dirt to uncover the other half. Stepping back, a small squeal escapes as she stares up at the large depiction of a lion. "Percy wake up, I think I found what father was searching for!" Charlotte fishes the squirrel from her pocket excitedly.

"Charlotte must you be so loud? I was having a pleasant dream." Percy yawns and settles himself on his owner's shoulder. "Now tell me in a quieter voice what you've discovered."

"Father mentioned a story regarding a blue lion before he disappeared. What if this is the same lion he was talking about? Maybe if I unearth the mystery it'll lead me to him!" Charlotte beams, gathering materials from her pouch to take notes and sketch the massive carving before her eyes. She completely disregarded his comment to be quiet. Percy's ear perk up at the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Charlotte find a place to hide and turn your flashlight off." He whispers sternly, tail bristled in alarm. Doing as told, Charlotte ducks behind a large rock and flicks off the flashlight just as another light enters the cavern.

"More of those weird lion carvings." A male's voice speaks from the spot Charlotte once stood. The brunette peaks from behind the rock to get a better look at the newcomer. His dark figure clutched the book containing her notes in one hand, the flashlight in the other.

"I can't let him take my journal Percy!" Charlotte whisper shouts to the squirrel and leaves the hiding spot.

"I'm not sure what exactly it is that you want but please give me back my book." She pleads with the male who jumps at her sudden appearance and shines his light at her face.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? How did you find this place?" He relayed question after question to the brunette to which she sighed while shielding her eyes.

"First off point that light somewhere that isn't my face." Once the light leaves her face she gets a good look at the boy standing before her. As if his brightly colored red jacket wasn't enough for Charlotte to recognize the teen standing before her. Black hair styled into a mullet and violet eyes she'd never forget. "Keith Kogane?"

"How do you know my name?" Keith frowns, getting into a fighting stance. Charlotte rolled her turquoise eyes before stepping closer. It figures he wouldn't remember her right off the bat. With a smile on her face she jokingly bows.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora