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Tiny paws pitter-pattered along the metal floors as Percy progressed down the corridor. He's been searching the ship top to bottom for any sign of the crew. His desperation climbed a small bit each time he found an empty room. There were just far too many for him to check with his small legs. Stopping in the middle of a crossroads his ears twitch. It was a faint sound but better than wandering around with nothing.

That seems like a promising lead. Taking off into a sprint Percy heads for the noise. The further he progressed the more prominent the sounds became. There was music and...laughter? It sounded like a party was being thrown. This discovery simultaneously relieved the squirrel while leaving his fur ruffled. How dare they throw a soirée without him.

Squeaking angrily to himself Percy stops in front of the door. It opens before him revealing the four space mice. They let out excited squeaks launching themselves at the squirrel. Percy tumbles back into the hall as he's squished in between their bodies. He lets out a sigh patting the mice on their backs waiting for them to release him. When they finally do the group wanders back into the party room.

Despite the music Percy could make out the voices of the paladins. He spotted Lance atop a table and Hunk trying to coax him down. The squirrel wondered if the blue paladin drank something peculiar again or if he was just full of energy. Pidge stood beside princess Allura holding up a device most likely recording everything. Coran was next to her twirling a piece of his moustache as he went on about his grandfather's expert dancing skills. He did notice Shiro was missing but assumed he was elsewhere in the castle.

Shifting his gaze elsewhere Percy's little heartbeat quickens. Dancing a little bit away from the main group were two teens. They were wrapped in one another's arms swaying to the music. Both in a world of their own. Laughter bubbles from the brunette's lips as she's brought down into a dip. They're all alive! The moment he spotted the turquoise-eyed girl and her boyfriend he took off into a sprint. With a big leap off of the metal flooring he aims directly for Charlotte.

A surprised squeal escapes Charlotte's lips as a mass of fur collides with her face. Paws grab onto either side of her head. Her eyes are covered by a furry stomach. Suddenly Keith's grip around her waist slackens dropping her onto the hard floor. The surprised voice of the red paladin sounds from above.

"Percy?!" Cue the music coming to a screeching halt. All eyes turned in their direction.


"You're awake?!"

"Welcome back man!"

"This is wonderful!"

"Well I'll be!"

Words of praise and surprise came from the team as they rushed over to the squirrel. Lance had previously fallen off the table and clambered over. Charlotte heard emotional chitttering coming from the creature and removes him from her face. Holding him gently in her palms she gazes at him. As the initial shock wore off tears filled her eyes. The squirrel is immediately clutched to her chest. Tears spilled from her eyes and her nose nuzzled into his fur. Charlotte could feel Percy's tiny paws holding onto her jacket for dear life.

"Oh my god Percival you scared the everloving hell out of me!" Charlotte sniffles showering the rodent in kisses. Percy gratefully received each of them relishing in the moment. Pulling away Charlotte takes a good look at the creature. The healing pods had in fact done a wonderful job. There wasn't any lasting trace of his injuries with the exception of a tiny pink scar atop his head near his right eye.

"From now on you and I are sticking together understand?"

I would not have it any other way my dear. Percy nudges her palm with his nose.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora