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"Whoa...that was." Lance begins to speak only to be cut off by Hunk spewing in the corner of his lion. His motion sickness finally caught up to him. Charlotte sighs and hands the big guy a breath mint once he finishes.

"Ugh Hunk come on man!"

"I'm just surprised it took him this long." Pidge adjusts their glasses, glancing over at hunk in mild disgust.

"Hunk's um...mishap aside. Does anyone know where we are?" Charlotte questions, leaning over Lance's seat to get a better view of outside to which the Latino wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"If you wanted to sit with me pretty lady you just needed to ask." He flirts earning an angry huff from Percy who resided in Charlotte's pocket, only his furry head visible beyond the fabric.

"Not today Lancelot." Said girl pats Lance on the head with a wink before returning to her original place between Keith and Shiro.

"I don't recognize any of these constellations. Wherever we are it's a long way from home." Shiro explains, his grey eyes scanning the stars.

"The lion wants to go to this planet." Lance says as the lion accelerates toward the green and blue planet before them. "I...think it's going home."

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Keith questions Lance, his hand gripping the seat in front of him.

"Why? You scared?" Lance retorts with a smug look.

"With you in control? Terrified." Keith frowns as the lion lands with a jerk. A uniquely structured castle towered above them. The blue lion bows it's head down and opens it's mouth for them to depart. As their feet touch solid ground, the lion abruptly rises, letting out an intimidating roar opening the entrance to the castle for them.

Bright turquoise eyes gazed up at the giant crystal-like castle in awe. The jewels adorning the exterior lit up a bright azure. "This place is absolutely magnificent." Charlotte comments as the group wanders through the entrance. "The architecture alone is more advanced than even the Garrison." One gloved hand travels along the white walls while the other carries her hoverboard.

"Charlotte I realize how curious you are but do try not to wander off from the others. We're on a peculiar planet inside an alien castle." Percy reminds his owner as they travel further down the dark hallway. The brunette waves him off unconcerned and follows behind Lance as they come across a wide open room. A large staircase residing in the center of the room barely visible in the dim sunlight pouring through the window.

"Hello?" Hunk calls out. Everyone stares at him in disbelief. Technically speaking they were borderline trespassing so calling out a 'hello' would not be the wisest move.

"Now scanning identification, please stand in the designated area." A robotic voice commands prompting the party to look around. Shiro tried to question the voice only to be met with silence as the scan proceeded. Once the scan concludes, the lights flickered to life illuminating the room.

Under Shiro's guidance they ended up in a room with a control panel in the center. Pidge walks up to it and pushes a few randoms buttons resulting in two long oval machines to rise from the floor. With further inspection Percy informs that the mysterious machines are in fact cryogenic pods or cryo-pods for short. I wonder if there are people in them. Charlotte ponders to herself leaning closer to the glass attempting to see through the fog without touching the contraption wary of whether it was safe.

"Who do we have here?" Lance sidled up next to Charlotte wiping at the glass disregarding any consequences that might follow. When nothing happens she breathes a sigh of relief at Lance's luck. His blue eyes stay trained on the sleeping woman behind the glass to which the turquoise eyed girl mentally facepalms. She could practically see the hearts floating around the ex cargo pilot's head.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora