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Team Voltron gathered together on the bridge of the Castle of Lions. They were due for a mission debriefing on assisting the rebels for a supply run. If all went well it would supply the coalition with the materials they need. However the team was hitting a snag. Around the same time there would be an infiltration into a Galra ship to gather intel involving The Blade of Marmora. Keith, a member of The Blades and current pilot of the black lion, was meant to be involved in both situations. Now, the team had to devise a plan to work around it seeing as Keith insisted on helping The Blades.

"I could fill in for Keith." Charlotte offers. "We wouldn't be able to form Voltron but Silver could add to the manpower we'd need to protect the shipments."

Percy immediately shakes his head. "We have just received word of a convoy full of refugees heading to Olkarion. Among them is an influential ambassador. The silver lion will be needed to ensure their safety."

"You can't always substitute in for Keith he's gotta own up to always going missing. Not to mention you refused to be part of the air show from the beginning." Lance chimes in shooting Charlotte a look. He was the only one out of all the paladins to take the show so seriously. It did boost morale after all but Charlotte wanted no part of it.

"Get off my back Lance. The work we do in The Blades is important unlike that stupid show." Keith snaps.

"It's not stupid!" Lance argues rising to his feet. Charlotte reaches a hand out and yanks him back down into his seat. She didn't want to hear another argument between them.

"I told you I've been working on something important behind the scenes. Besides, people rally for the cause to see Voltron, not the silver lion. Even if we're working our ass off to reverse the damage The Pikes have caused lately." Deflated, Charlotte leans back into her seat.

Recently she had taken upon herself to check on The Vermillion Pikes. Thanks to the information she received from Kolivan she's been able to monitor their activity. Working alongside the silver lion she's tried to make up for the destruction that is left in their wake. They've visited planets affected by the group in hopes of helping them rebuild. A few welcomed the assistance while others ran them off the planet. It was stressful work having to juggle between her responsibilities as a paladin and cleaning up after a group her father may be involved in.

She had hoped Coran or one of the other officers stationed here could assist with the space vessel. That would of left her free to accompany the others and allow Keith to go with The Blades without any trouble. Then again they were probably tired of her trying to cover for Keith all the time. There have been some close calls these last few days with missions almost ending in failure due to his absence. The silver paladin took it upon herself to pick up the slack but that meant shirking her own responsibilities in the process.

"Charlie you're going to meet up with the convoy as originally planned. That's final." Shiro tells the brunette leaving no further room to argue.

"Fine." The brunette mumbles busying herself on her tablet. On it, was the spacecraft she was meant to keep an eye out for. A standard cargo ship that she has seen on multiple occasions during their stay on Olkarion. It would be filled to the brim with refugees that lost their homes to Zarkon. This so called ambassador peaked her interest but she didn't have the foggiest idea on who it may be.

"So we're back to square one." Pidge sighs massaging her temples in mild irritation. All this talking has gotten them nowhere.

"Not quite, Keith may be capable enough to complete his objective and make it back here in time to offer assistance." Percy interjects shifting his gaze onto Shiro. "Would that suffice?"

Shiro looks outside the castle window then over to Keith. "You can go on this mission but you have to make it back here on time."

Keith gives the black paladin a nod. "I'll be back as soon as I can." Turning on his heel the raven leaves the room. He needed to change into his Blades suit and rendezvous with Kolivan. Balancing work between Voltron and The Blade of Marmora hasn't been easy. However he was convinced he could do it even if deep down he knew it was putting a strain on his relationships.

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