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The meeting held in the Castle of Lions for the coalition could not be going any worse. In between the leaders' doubts and Keith's comments Charlotte was contemplating on whether or not to call it off. She watched from her seat between Keith and Pidge as the red paladin grew increasingly irritated by the minute. After their talk of replacing Shiro the red paladin wasn't exactly in the best mindset. Needless to say Keith wasn't handling the situation too well.

The red paladin slams his hands onto the table and rises to his feet. His anger was getting the best of him. "Tell your people to rise up and fight for themselves! Voltron isn't happening!" He explodes storming away and out the door.

As an awkward silence fills the room Charlotte quickly tries to regain control of the conversation. Folding her hands neatly in her lap she addresses those gathered at the table. As much as she sympathized with Keith gathering allies to their cause was a top priority. They couldn't afford to lose any now. His outbursts certainly didn't help matters.

"I apologize on my friend's behalf for his outburst. War takes its toll on all of us and has been weighing particularly heaven on him. What he meant to imply is that we implore you to please consider assisting us in the fight against the Galra. Voltron is only one singular entity. Seeing as it cannot be in two places at once we advise you to educate yourselves in the art of combat. This way you will be able to fight back while waiting for assistance from Voltron."

Sounds of agreement come from the beings opposite of her. She inwardly sighs in relief seeing as the meeting was falling back on track. Allura gives Charlotte a grateful smile taking over for the brunette. They began discussing their next operation including the Blades of Marmora. The rest of the meeting went back to normal with the coalition leaders leaning toward their side.

Charlotte excuses herself from the table and rises from her seat to leave the room. She wanted to check on Keith and see if he cooled off. Leaving him to bottle up his emotions once again would do more harm than good to the both of them. Halfway to the door she catches a comment that makes her halt to a stop.

"My people were lead to believe that Voltron would protect them. I will not tell them to put their faith in a team made up as the same race as the enemy instead." It was the Puigan leader from the planet Lance and Hunk just saved.

"I beg your pardon, what did you just say?" Turning on her heel she walks back to the table. She gives the man who spoke a sickening sweet smile stopping to stand beside Hunk. The yellow paladin shuddered at the look. The alien really needed to stop talking. Percy wasn't there to reel Charlotte in once she got going.

"I said I will not put my trust in those related to the evil beings that enslaved my people." The Puigan repeats.

Charlotte was officially done. She was tired of listening to people distrusting in the Blade of Marmora just because they were Galra. After she got to know a little more about them she realized they all shared the same goal. It was blatantly unfair to judge given those who died for the sake of peace. Her turquoise eyes stare down the leaders one by one on the other side of the table. They shrink under the brunette's heated gaze not quite knowing what they were in for. Just a minute ago she was calmly gaining control of the council. Now she looked ready for a fight.

"I seem to recall the mission to save your village was only successful due to the Blades' cooperation. They could of just as easily refused to assist and you would still be under the control of the enemy. So what right do you have to distrust those who have risked their lives to save your own when you won't take up arms and fight for yourselves?" Charlotte focuses particularly on the Puigan that was seated near Allura.

"My people have been enslaved by their kind! You cannot expect me not to hold animosity toward them!" He counters trying to defend his logic.

"You cannot go through life punishing people just because of the blood that runs through their veins. This man is trying to bring peace to the universe just the same as Voltron." Charlotte's hand gestures to Kolivan at the end of the table. His yellow eyes fixate on the brunette with interest.

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