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Hypothetically Charlotte could envision her plan working out in their favor. She'd locate the Guardian, stop the storms and bring life back to this planet. Locating her old team was on her mind as well although she had her doubts they'd ever want to see her again. Allura was the only one that understood and even if the princess told the others there was no way of tracking her. She made absolutely sure to wipe all her data from the ship's system for their own safety.

"Percy how much time do we have?" Charlotte questions keeping her eyes on the landscape. They've been traversing for a while now and already went through two cycles of storms. Her main fear would be not finding shelter in time for the next two hour window.

"If our estimations are correct around thirty minutes. It would be wise to keep an eye out for a refuge." Percy pokes his head out from her jacket pocket. Earning a nod from the brunette she leaps over a junk pile on her hoverboard. The sand became riddled with more and more rusted debri the farther they went. Climbing atop a large sand dune Charlotte slows to a stop.

Turquoise eyes widen at the sight in the distance. Bare of leaves was the biggest tree Charlotte has ever seen. The branches stretched out toward the sky. Fractures in the bark split apart the massive trunk. Most likely due to being struck by lightning. Toward the base of the tree were stone buildings weathered down from wind and sand. Most were too crumbled to make sense of. Seeing such a magnificent find in this stage of destruction was heartbreaking.

Kicking off the ground she speeds down the hill. A large space cruiser caught her eye not too far from the village. She and Percy would take a break there and wait out the impending storm. The sky above them was already rumbling dangerously. The closer she came to the spaceship the more she realized it was previously owned by the Galra. She'd recognize their technology anywhere. It wouldn't surprise her at all if it belonged to the same commander that slaughtered all the innocent people of this planet. Removing her spear from her back Charlotte throws it into the crack of a loose panel. Leaping off her hoverboard she slams her feet down on the pole and ducks. The piece of metal breaks free landing on ground behind her.

"Dramatic yet effective as always my dear." Percy comments climbing up onto her shoulder as she retrieves her belongings.

"I know it's probably been here for thousands of years but I want to look around during the storm." Charlotte informs pulling down her goggles and bandana. She sets down her hoverboard and begins pushing a large box to seal the opening shut.

"There's no harm in that as long as you are careful." The squirrel nuzzles her cheek. Charlotte laughs softly removing the flashlight from her bag and clicking the button.

"Oh please, careful is my middle name darling."

Keith slammed his hands down on the armrests of his chair on the bridge. The screen in front of him flashed a giant red error code. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't retrace Charlotte's steps. The brunette really did delete all traces from the databanks.

"You're too smart for your own good." He grumbles deactivating the screen in front of him as the door to the bridge opens. Violet eyes register Pidge making her way to her seat. A blue device much like the one he received was clutched between her fingers.

"I'm assuming from the look on your face you didn't find anything." Pidge states sitting in her chair and instantly typing away on her computer. She plugs a cord into the Altean recording device.

"Nothing. Charlie wiped everything from the main system including all the backups." Keith informs letting out a sigh.

"Nothing is ever fully deleted. It'll take some time but if I can manage to recover even a fraction of information we should be able to go from there." Pidge momentarily ceases her typing to look over at Keith. Brown eyes soften at his appearance. Compared to how he was when Charlotte first left he's gotten better. The red paladin started joining them in the lounge and for meals again. He still looked deprived of sleep but at least some progress was made.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now