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"To commemorate my son's safe return we shall hold a banquet in Voltron's honor!" The king, whose name they learned to be Erulsan, claps his hands in praise. His loyal subjects clapped alongside him already setting off to make preparations. No one of team Voltron moved. Each member held a different expression on their face.

Shiro's face was stern his gray eyes trained on King Erulsan. Keith wore an angry and irritated look. Charlotte, although she sympathized with the red paladin, brushed her hand against his to calm him. Lance crossed his arms scowling at the Ulvian ruler. Pidge and Hunk glanced at one another in disbelief. Was the king really going to just ignore the fact that he lead them into an ambush. Before any of them could argue the doors are slammed open. Allura forces her way in storming up to the plump alien.

"How dare you lead my paladins into an ambush!" The princess seethes with her hands balled at her sides.

"P-princess I had no idea they would b-"

"Do not lie to me King Erulsan. Voltron is the only protection the universe holds to combat against Zarkon and his forces. If they perished the Galra would of won. We've done what as asked and now we all depart. Save your parties for someone else." With a swish of her dress Allura makes her way past the royal guards and to the exit.

"I didn't like the idea of being used but couldn't we at least stay for the party?" Lance frowns looking between the princess's retreating form and the king spewing apologies from his seat.

"If I may be so bold to request that you reconsider?" A new voice enters the room. Charlotte's blue eyes fall upon Krona. His prison clothing was now replaced by crimson robes detailed with yellow beading. It seemed the healers worked their magic and got in back on his feet.

"Why? So your dad can devise another plan to get us killed? No thanks." Pidge refuses the prince. Krona directs his attention to Charlotte instead. He hoped she may be able to convince the rest. Her gaze shifts to his father, the gears turning in her head.

"It isn't as if this is the first time we've risked our necks." Charlotte pipes up while brushing her hand through Percy's fur. "You only wanted to see that your son stayed alive. We just happened to get caught in the middle." She nods respectfully to the king and prince.

"As much as I disagree with my father's choice to lead you into danger, it had to be done. As the Galra were taking me away I overheard their commander threatening to end my life if he didn't cooperate." Krona relays moving to stand beside his father.

"My son is correct. You all have my deepest apologies for endangering your lives. From this moment forward I wish to aid in bringing down Zarkon as allies." King Erulsan stands from his throne and bows to the best of his ability. His crown threatens to fall off his head onto the red carpet.

"A father's love sometimes tramples upon the notion of what we feel is right and wrong. Even if it means dragging in others to achieve what it is they wish to accomplish." Frowning at her words the teen excuses herself from the room. There were some things Charlotte needed to think over.

"Charlie is right, you did what you had to given how the Galra threatened you. What's done is done." Shiro agrees and removes his helmet. "The kingdom has a right to celebrate the prince's safe return who are we to take that from them?"

"Wait so the party's back on? Awesome! Hey princess wanna be my date?" Lance siddles up to Allura wiggling his eyebrows. He jokingly wanted to ask Charlotte but she walked off. Then again if he tried Keith might threaten to stab him. Speaking of, the raven shoots Lance a look. As if daring him to try. Letting out a sigh the Altean pushes his face away from her own.

"Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. On behalf of Voltron I welcome your allegiance not as followers but as friends." Allura approaches the king offering her hand. Standing straight once more he shakes her hand. Once he releases her the princess shakes hands with Krona as well. It signified a newly forged alliance they very well may need in the future.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin