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Charlotte wasn't sure what to expect when first meeting Slav. Given from how both Shiro and Allura lost their tempers with the man she wasn't too sure they would get along. Sitting in her chair on the bridge she watched the princess and alien genius argue about the zip-lines leading to each respective lion. Sure hover technology was more practical but zip-lines were awesome. The remaining paladins soon join them having returned from beating the robeast.

"Welcome back everyone. Congrats on all your missions being successful." Charlotte greets with a wave.

"Look at you all decked out in paladin armor. You're sure moving up aren't you?" Lance gives the brunette a grin.

"Silver ehh? Not the choice I would've gone with but hey it's your choice." Hunk shrugs.

"She pilots the silver lion, what color would you want her to be?" Pidge rolls her eyes.

"I dunno something like maroon or purple. No wait I got it, turquoise!" He declares with a triumphant smile.

"Guys be quiet. Allura have you heard from Coran?" Keith interjects before the team gets too far off subject.

The princess didn't even turn around when she answered the red paladin. "Yes." It was short and to the point.

"So we're ready to warp back to Olkarion?" Lance shoots finger guns at the princess with a wink.

"Yes, I've checked in with Coran and the teludav is nearly complete." This time Allura turns around with a bright smile on her face. She turns her attention from Lance onto Hunk next. "Hunk, thank you for retrieving the scaultrite we needed."

"No problem." The yellow paladin awkwardly looks over at Keith. "Um, you know Keith was there too." He jabs a thumb in the direction of said paladin.

Allura and Keith stare at one another. The princess held a scowl upon her face as the red paladin's brows furrowed. Soon the Altean walks off leaving him behind. The action made Charlotte grumble to herself after seeing Keith's crestfallen face. So much for their time spent together. She was still acting the same as before. Percy whispers for her to calm down which she reluctantly does. Crossing her arms she gazes out one of the many windows displaying the stars outside. The rest of the paladins take their seats preparing for a wormhole jump. As Keith sits beside Charlotte he rests a hand on her knee.

"Just let it go Charlie. I'm fine." He reassures. She doesn't believe him at all but drops it nonetheless. Starting a fight now could hinder their plan in the future. Running her fingers through Percy's fur Charlotte couldn't wait to stretch her legs somewhere that wasn't the castle.

"We've made great progress while you were gone and now that we have the scaultrite it should be ready in less than a quintant." Coran informs the team as they gather around the viewing area for the teludav.

"Whoa, that is one giant teludav."

"Nice work Coran."

"Coran this is absolutely magnificent!" Charlotte beams staring out the window at the massive teludav the Altean and Olkari had designed. It loomed over the city and had to be the biggest structure she has ever seen to this day.

"Good job Coran, fist bump." Hunk holds his fist out to the Altean. He looks at it briefly then slowly drags his own fist over to bump it against Hunk's. "Now blow it up." The yellow paladin demonstrates an explosion with his fingers.

"Don't you dare! It took forever to build this teludav. Let's not forget it is a pivotal piece in our plan to defeat Zarkon." Coran states a matter a factly. He suddenly lets out a yelp as a screen pops up showing Slav with a rock. He was beating a panel of the teludav with it claiming to be making improvements to Coran's design. A collective groan sounds from the team. Slav was definitely not their favorite alien.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora