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Three paladins were caught up in an intense food battle. The dining table had been flipped over acting as a shield and alliances had been formed. Currently it was Hunk and Pidge versus Lance. In the midst of readying another onslaught of ammo the blue paladin calls a time out. He noticed that a certain turquoise-eyed girl was missing.

"Uh guys? Where did Charlie go?"

Pidge wipes her glasses on a clean patch of her shirt and places them back on. "You're kidding. I thought for sure she was on your team this whole time. It took me forever to get her out of the lab!" She complains.

"Well maybe if you didn't start a food fight in the first place she'd still be here!" Lance counters throwing his hands up at the mess.

"Me?! It was Hunk that called it out!" Pidge defends.

"You're the one who flung food goo at my face!"

"I thought it would make Charlie laugh!"

Hunk grew irritated the more his friends began to bicker. "Alright I have had it!" He grabs them by their collars and drags them out the door. He wasn't certain on how but they were going to find a way to make their friend feel like part of the family again.

Soon the Castle of Lions would be the central hub for the coalition. Allura has been working nonstop in trying to gather rebels to the cause. As she neared the dining hall where the meetings would be held she could hear muffled voices. Most likely Allura and Coran discussing their next course of action. A new voice appeared in the room. Kolivan? Charlotte found herself coming to a stop just in front of the door. She brings her fist up to knock but hesitates. What am I doing? I'm not a diplomat. I'm barely even a paladin. Dropping her arm to her side the teen turns to continue on her way.

With a quiet hiss the metal door slide open from behind Charlotte. Footsteps lead out into the hallway suddenly coming to a halt. "You're the silver paladin." It came out more as a statement rather than a question.

Turning on her heel the brunette comes face to face with Kolivan. "I am." She offers a hand out to him. "I'm afraid we haven't been properly introduced. My name's Charlotte although most of the other paladins just call me Charlie."

The leader accepts the gesture reaching out to grip her arm in greeting. He knew full well who she was long before seeing her on the ship. During Keith's conquest for knowledge at the Blade of Marmora headquarters she appeared as did Shiro. Although merely as an illusion doctored by the boy's suit he gathered just how important the girl was to him.

"Did you have business with the princess? My own had been concluded so you are allowed inside." Kolivan releases Charlotte's arm and looks down at her.

"Not quite. I was actually hoping I could talk to you. There is a particular matter I'd like your help with." Charlotte gives the Galran a polite smile.

"Does it pertain to our cause?" Kolivan narrows his eyes. If it did not then he wouldn't waste his time. The Blades were a secret society of rebels not a group of sellswords to be used for a child's benefit.

The brunette's smile quickly shifts to a serious expression. "I need some information on someone. It's directly linked with the silver lion."

Kolivan's interest was peaked. His full attention was on the teen before him. "I'm listening."

Charlotte shifts her weight from one foot to the other. "Is the Blade of Marmora the only secret organization out there that fights against the Galra?" After seeing her father fight with allies cloaked in white the thought weighed on her mind. They may be the key to locating his whereabouts. She figured it wouldn't hurt to ask someone about it. Who better than the leader of the Blades himself that had access to more intel than she could imagine.

"There could be numerous out there that even we do not know of. Do you have any specifications that could narrow down your search?" Kolivan asks. Her question had peaked his interest. There was more to the silver paladin than meets the eye.

"I don't know much only that they wear these white cloaks." She reaches inside the pouch on her hip and pulls out a silver brooch. The one that was previously attached to the scarf she found in her father's trunk. "They might be found wearing something similar to this." Holding out the emblem Kolivan takes it into his hand to examine it.

"It will take some time but I will see what I can find. Our missions take top priority." He reminds her placing the object in his pocket.

Charlotte gives him a grateful smile and bows her head. "I completely understand thank you for your assistance. If you'll excuse me I'll be on my way." She waves at Kolivan turning around and continuing to walk the way she originally planned.

"You should go to him. If he as important to you as I was lead to believe." Kolivan calls after her. He's greeted with silence as the brunette turns the corner.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now