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Pidge's hazel eyes scanned the information displayed on the screen before her. She managed to gather some information on the rebels that rescued her brother. As for Charlotte's father, well that was another matter entirely. The knowledge she gained about the man left her feeling conflicted on whether or not to relay it to Charlotte. It wasn't exactly the most appealing news.

"Ah there you are Pidge did you have a successful mission?" Coran arrives on the bridge and walks up behind her. He leans down to look over her shoulder at the image on the screen.

The green paladin proceeds to tell him of her findings. How after comparing the feathery ears of the aliens that took her brother, she managed to pinpoint the planet they came from and asked them a few questions. They weren't loyal to the Galra but they weren't exactly enemies of the empire either. A neutral party in the war.

"Hey Coran? What would you do if you thought you knew someone only to learn something that could completely change your outlook on them?" Pidge questions the Altean closing down the screen in front of her.

"I'd say it depends on who the individual is and what exactly it is you know about him. May I ask who this is about?" Coran asks. His eyes held a sense of curiosity as his fingers absentmindedly twirled his moustache.

Pidge contemplates telling the man. She trusted Coran that was no question. The man had become akin to an uncle for most of them. Turning to face the patiently waiting man she spills the beans.

"It has to do with Charlie's dad."

Turquoise eyes stared straight ahead at the figure sleeping in the pod. This was the first time Charlotte visited since the incident. She was already growing to despise the sight of this room despite only being inside for a few minutes. Her fingers subconsciously played with the frayed end of her glove. Her gaze never wavered even as she began to speak and her eyes welled with tears.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to visit. Part of me wanted to keep believing this never happened. That I would wake up from a bad dream and you would be there. Curled up beside me and fast asleep like normal. You need to wake up soon. Everyone misses you, even Lance and you two always bickered."

"It's funny. I wanted to be the one to keep you safe for once in my life. I never imagined I'd be the one seeing you on the inside of that glass. Every time I dare to close my eyes I'm reminded of the memories I shared with you. I've already lost enough, I-I can't lose you too." She sniffles biting on her lip as her cheeks are stained with tears.

A hand reaches out to rest atop Charlotte's. Fingers slowly coil around her own offering a new sense of warmth. The action brought on a fresh wave of tears. Her body is tugged into a firm chest as she lets her emotions run free. One hand presses firmly to the back of her head while the other gently rubs up and down her back. Words of comfort are uttered into her hair.

"Shh, he's going to recover Charlie. The technology in the Altean healing pods is top of the line. Allura and Coran made sure he would be getting the best care. You're not going to lose him I promise."

"What if he isn't the same when he comes out? What if he doesn't remember me? I can't even pilot Silver anymore after all the hard work we put in." Charlotte buries her face further into the boy's shirt. Her fingers clutched tightly onto the fabric of his jacket.

"Keith, what if he hates me?"

Violet eyes soften at the brunette's words. His hands rubs gentle circles into her back. Resting his cheek on her head Keith focuses on the pod before them. Suspended in the center was the reason for his girlfriend's grief. Percival. The rodent's beady eyes were closed with his mouth partially opened. His communicator had since been removed from his neck and stored away in Keith's jacket pocket for safe keeping. He was glad Charlotte finally decided to check on Percy even if it hurt him to see her like this.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now