Bloody Hell

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I ignored him as much as I could for as long as I could, only occasionally grunting as a response. I couldn’t even bear to look at him. I would get a nasty taste in my mouth and the feeling of my insides being wrung. He was a monster in my eyes, a dirty little low-life, and a scumbag. He could have no possible excuse for his little ‘business’ and I had no pity or drop of respect for him.

Any kindness or friendship we had budding between us was in tatters. He disgusted me, and I had the urge to push him off a cliff for ruining the lives of so many girls, degrading them, stripping them of their dignity and their futures, turning them into boy-toys for lusty males.   It sickened me. It angered me. The best way to keep myself from threading myself into trouble was by keeping my mouth shut.  That was exactly what I had intended to do until one unfaithful morning.

Yawning, I sat up in bed and arched my back to stretch it out.  I kicked my legs out of the blankets but abruptly stopped when I felt something squishy. Oh my god, no. Please no! What was the date? WHAT WAS THE DATE?! Date? HAH! Like anyone kept track of the days during winter break, although it dreadfully seemed like enough time had passed. I scanned the area around me and listened for noises. When I was sure no one was coming, I pressed my hand to my chest and winced when I felt pain. Yepp, it was definitely here. Crud, crud, CRUD!

“It’s okay, calm down Alaure. Nadya will help you.”

I swung my legs off the bed, held my thighs tightly together and awkwardly began to wobble out of Nadya’s bedroom and into her bathroom. I searched through all the cabinets I could find but I couldn’t find what I was looking for.

“Nadya!” I called out desperately, waddling around the house, checking each room. “Nadya!!!” I called out again. “Oh, where are you,” I mumbled worriedly under my breath.


“Stop with the racket already. Can’t you see she’s not home?” Damon snapped irritably, sticking his head out from his room.

“WHAT?!” I exclaimed panicked. “No, no, no, no. That is NOT good.”

“Why what’s wrong?”

I stiffened. “I-um…uh, uhhhh.”

“What? Spit it out already.”

“I have afegmaghine pobems.”


“I have feghmaghine problems.”

“What problems?”

“Ferghamine problems.”

“For heaven’s sake stop garbling your words and speak clearly!”


“What do you—oh shit.”

“Yeah idiot.”

“Well can’t you deal with it?”

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