Carving Through Deep Snow

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Well this chapter is longer :) I like it more towards the end, and I can't wait to write the next chapter.

Chapter 18

Putting the books back in place, I decided to leave the room. I needed to talk to Nadya or maybe even Bax. The box could wait, it would still be there when I came back. Bounding down to the kitchen I found Nadya mixing around some food.

"Mmm, that smells delicious, what is it?"

"Oh I'm just preparing some Salmon today."

"Sounds good," I smiled, "Fish is just about the only sea food I eat."

"Baxter is the same way," Nadya laughed, "Damon will eat just about anything."

I sat idly on a stool as I began to have a war in my head.

Should I just blurt it out and ask her?

No, that'd be stupid. It would make her suspicious.

Well either way if I ask her she'll be suspicious.

Well then how do I ask her? She's my safest option. I'm not asking either of the guys yet.

Maybe I could ask her nonchalantly.

"You're being awfully quiet. What are you thinking about?" Nadya asked.

Perfect set up! "Not much, it's just I was in the library earlier and I found this note in one of the books from a girl."

"Hm, is that so?" Nadya replied, not bothering to turn around.

"Yeah, I think her name started with a 'C'. Chloe, I think."

Nadya's back visibly stiffened. The motion was so quick that I got scared she was possessed or something. She dropped her spool and whipped around.

"Do you know who she is?" I asked softly.

"Alaure, you should really be careful when you're snooping around. You're treading into dark waters and you need to get out quickly."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Nadya had never warned me off from snooping before. What was so important about this girl that she had to be kept a secret?

"I promise I wasn't snooping when I found the note. I was just looking for a good book."

Nadya sighed and walked over to me. "Alaure, a lot of time I act as if everything in this house is fine and dandy, but it's not. This is a dangerous place. If it weren't for what you knew, you wouldn't still be here. Your life would be completely different, changed for the worse."

She shuddered, closed her eyes and looked away. "You HAVE to be more cautious. I fear that soon enough you'll upset Damon to the point he will no longer care about what you know and you'll be sent off into a new and horrendous life."

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