Confusing New Beginnings

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I know. I've been a very bad writer lately :( I'm sorry, but I love all of you for being so patient and kind! I've just been in and out and busy with stuff so I never got around to it. Plus I lost my way some and I'm still trying to find it

RECAP OF CHAPTER 28 (It's lengthy so you get back into the flow of things)

“SHUT UP!” he roared. “You don’t know anything! But anyways, luckily for you, since you detest my presence so much, you can be rid of me. I’ve decided that I’VE put up with you for far too long as well and you’ve exceeded my patience. And frankly, you haven’t served the purpose I intended you to.  You’ve only been a mooching parasite.”

“So I suppose you don’t want to hear what I know then?” I said immediately, knowing what he was insinuating by getting rid of me.

“Oh so NOW you know? And what is it that you seem to know MY DEAR?”

“I know who wants to bring your company down and how.”

Damon froze completely for a few moments before he narrowed his eyes and staled toward me.

“You knew all this time didn’t you? You knew any you didn’t tell me, did you bitch?”

“Calm yourself nincompoop. I only remembered after I got crushed in your BMW. How’s that for a tradeoff? Your car for a couple of secrets.”

“Well let’s see how worthy the tradeoff was, kitten.”

“Not so fast, I want some assurance.”

“Of what?”

“Being able to stay here. You’re right. It’s not as bad as I make it seem and I’d rather not be sold like some kind of doll or something, so if I tell you, I want to be able to stay here. Really I want to go home but I figure you probably won’t be so generous.”

“I guess you are a little smarter than I give you credit for. You’re right; I won’t let you go home. I made that clear from the moment you learned too much. I don’t trust you enough to not blab everything, but I suppose I can trust you enough with this little deal of yours. So I concede, but only if what you know is—how did you put it? Oh right—worthy of totaling my BMW.”

I grinned and repeated everything I remembered from the night at the bar. When I was finished Damon seemed absolutely demonic with the smirk on his face and the anger radiating off of him.

“That conniving, backstabbing bastard! And to think I thought of him as family.”

“So was it worth your BMW?”

“Oh most definitely.”


“One more thing,” I said before he could leave, “I still want Jayden back.”

He sighed, “You’re so loyal to your friend. Too loyal. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust that girl. I bet she’s stabbed you in the back plenty of times and you don’t even know about it.”

“Just because you’ve had some shitty friends in your life, Damon, doesn’t mean mine are. I’ve told you before, Jayden always had my back in my worst moments, in the times I wanted to just die, end the suffering and torture my father put me through, but Jayden pulled me though. She made me strong. She made me who I am. And if I were to turn my back on her now, I would never be the same again. I would never forgive myself which is why I wanted to team up with you. It seems to me that you have some bitter feelings toward a certain boy in this house that you want to take out, and I obviously want to get my best friend back.”

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