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It was finally the end of May. Exams were done, but more importantly my entire undergraduate college journey was finally at an end. I slipped my black robe on over my maroon dress and placed my graduation cap over my perfectly curled hair.

"Are you ready, Alaure?" Jayden asked.

I frowned at myself in the mirror. "Yeah but this cap is silly. I can't figure out how to make it stay comfortably." I lifted it up and slammed it down on my head several times.

"Cut it out 'laure! You're going to mess up your hair. I spent 40 minutes trying to curl all of that!"

I pouted, "I just don't get it. Who's the bonehead that thought a square cardboard wrapped in fabric would make a great hat?"

"I can bobby pin it down for you if you want," Jayden offered.

"Nah, that's okay. I think that would be more of a hassle. I'll just put up with it."

"Alright then, you want to head out?"

I nodded and slipped into my black heels. I took one last long look in the mirror. I couldn't help but think how the way I looked was very similar to the way I looked that one night at Damon's house in Alaska. I had my contacts in, some light make up on, and of course my hair was perfectly curled thanks to Jayden.

We made our way over to where all the graduates were being held before walking in. I couldn't wait to finally walk across that stage and get my diploma after everything I had endured. Countless nights of staying up late studying, crying over grades, struggling through tough concepts, and so much more.

I wished my mother could have been here to share the moment with me, but I was glad that both Landon and my father were going to be here. Even Fiorella said she would be coming to support Jayden and me. Thinking about her made me smile. She told me she had been trying to prepare herself to start taking classes in the fall. She said Jones had helped get her a tutor to help fill in basic knowledge gaps from being out of practice for years and that even he would help her in the evenings after work.

Damon also hadn't gotten in touch with me yet and I was starting to feel dejected and frustrated with him, however, I was happy to hear about some changes in Vanguard Technologies. Business magazines had been giving him a lot of coverage lately for all of the restructuring he'd been doing. He'd also been making more partnerships with non-profits agencies, particularly—I had noticed—those dealing with human trafficking and domestic abuse. I was glad that he was taking his influence and using it to make a positive change in the world.

I listened to the quiet chatter of the people around me. Some of them were talking about their summer plans while others were talking about grad school or the jobs they would be starting soon. I sighed as my heart sunk. Since I had spent so much time catching up on missed work to graduate on time I hadn't really gotten around to applying for any summer jobs. I felt like I definitely needed one too to help pay for my med-school tuition. I was grateful that all my med-school applications and interviews were done long before the fiasco over winter break or I'm sure I'd be having trouble with that too. It then occurred to me that I had no idea what Jayden was planning on doing during the summer either.

In the background the orchestra began to play Pomp and Circumstance as professors and administrators began to lead the procession to our seats. I scanned the crowds to find my dad and Landon. I found Jayden's parents sitting next to my dad and Fiorella. I waved to them and smiled. Once I was standing in front of my seat I scanner around to see if Landon was nearby but didn't see him. I gave them a confused look. Fiorella seemed to catch on as she pointed to the two empty seats next to her and shrugged. It was strange of Landon to not be there for the procession, but I figured he might have stepped out to use the restroom or something.

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