Yesterday after returning from Omkara's place, she spent a good amount of time studying those pictures, enlarging them, copying the graphs and numbers. After considerable time, she figured out what was wrong in the stats. But Gauri wasn't so confident yet, so she badgered her Maths teacher after classes today, and together they slogged for over an hour on the problem. Finally, with the reassurance that she was right, Gauri decided to ring up Omkara. 

Gauri dialed Omkara's number from her phone. She wondered if he would pick up because she had forgotten to give Chulbul's phone number before she left yesterday. He picked up on the second ring.

"Who's this?" came Omkara's voice annoyed.

"Hello Omkaraji, its me Chulbul." said Gauri, holding her throat, as she put on her Chulbul voice. 

"My, my I can't believe you are calling me on your own." said Omkara, sounding surprised.

"Okay, no time for your little jokes now. Omkaraji, I solved the sums." said Chulbul excitedly

"Sums? What sums?" asked Omkara confused

"Omkaraji, listen there is a leak in your side of deal, as in the company employees who are managing the deal from your company. One of them is siphoning money from the accounts to his own use, and showing it as expenditure on investment, but there is no consequential profit or result to show for it. Where is that money going then?" explained Chulbul

"Hold on Chulbul. From where did you learn all this, and how do you know it?" asked Omkara, overwhelmed that Chulbul of all people would be solving this issue. 

"Omkaraji, don't waste time asking questions. This was not a complicated issue. I am sure, that the person handling accounts in your company knew about this. Get these files and accounts checked by, wait, I learned that word today, wait......yes, au...audited by someone called C.A." said Gauri. 

Omkara smiled. "C.A. as in Chartered Accountant, Chulbul. And his name is not C.A., its a profession. And you are right, one of the things a C.A. does is audit accounts. Where did you learn all this?" 

"My maths teacher taught me. He felt I was ready for this. But my other teachers are not that impressed. I was hoping to make it to mid-upper in the coming new session, but only my Maths and Hindi teachers have agreed for that." Gauri sighed. 

"Don't worry Chulbul. I will help you with other subjects, or whichever that I can." said Omkara. "Thanks for the advice, I will get these files audited by an independent auditor. And when I catch the mole, he's has it." 

"Okay, bye Omkaraji, I have to go now." said Chulbul cheerfully, and disconnected the call.

Gauri was glad that her education was actually of some practical use to her, or to Omkara, in any case. The sense of fulfillment which this gave to her was unparalleled in many ways. She felt grateful to Jahnvi for enrolling her these classes. Gauri decided to meet Jahnvi aunty tomorrow to thank her for this. 


Jahnvi was feeling the onset of a panic attack. She told herself to keep a cool head, but she couldn't believe this was happening. Her new venture had just started and this storm hit her. She had accepted that order on trust, but it turned out that it was a big mistake.

"Namaste Auntyji." Jahnvi turned to look find Gauri greeting her. Gauri saw the expression on her face, and her smile changed to worry. "What happened?" she asked.

Jahnvi spilled the beans. "Gauri, I think, I think, everything is ruined. I don't know how can my company recover now."

Gauri said, "Calm down Jahnvi aunty. If something can't be built in one day, then it can't be ruined in one day either. Tell me what catastrophe has occurred." 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now