Edward and Emmett - pair them up

"I...don't actually have a problem with anyone," Bella shrugs her shoulders.

"Neither do I!" Renesmee calls, smiling warmly at Bella.

"Me three, doc! I love all my weirdo little siblings!" Emmett booms, smiling hugely.

"I have the biggest issue with Edward, because he tries to control me!" Alice thrills, still smiling.

Pair Alice with Edward and Emmett.

"I have no issues with anyone," Jasper murmurs, still not making eye contact.

Then my eyes rest on Henry who leans back in his chair, staring at the ceiling, "I'm irritated with Jasper because he manipulates me, I'm annoyed that Jacob and Renesmee insist on babying me, even though I'm legally an adult. I don't like that Edward never gives me privacy. And I'm irritated with all of them for not letting me get a car!" he fumes, much to the amusement of his family. All their eyes are on him, and they are all full of affection.

Obviously Henry is the favourite sibling. Investigate.

"Wow! Henry, that's quite a list. If you had to choose one thing that annoyed you the most, what would it be?" I ask, probing him.

"I think the thing that annoys me the most is that my mum and dad won't let me get a puppy!" he says unexpectedly. His brothers and sisters stare at him like he's crazy and all begin laughing. They laugh so hard, that most of them are on the floor.

I give them enough time to straighten up, after a while eight heads pop back into sight. Henry still sits on his chair, his legs on the table, still looking bored. Okay...?

"Carlisle and Esme wouldn't let you get a puppy?"

"No, Carlisle and Esme would. Renesmee and Jacob won't!"

And then there's deadly silence in the room. All the Cullen kids stare at Henry, giving him warning glances. He just shrugs and ignores them.

"Henry...Renesmee and Jacob aren't your parents..." I murmur. He's kidding, right?

"Oh, really? Tell them that then!"

"Renesmee? Jacob? Do the two of you treat Henry like a child?"

"Sometimes?" Renesmee mumbles, looking down at the table.

"Renesmee, Jacob! Henry is older than you! He is, for all intent and purposes, your older brother!" I stammer, wondering what kind of family dynamics are at work here.

"Okay, here's some homework for all of you. Edward, you're not allowed to invade Henry's privacy. Jacob and Renesmee, the two of you must treat him like your older brother and respect him, okay? Jasper, no more manipulating Henry."

A string of soft curses meet my ears, but the four of them agree reluctantly. Henry has a huge, dazzling smile on his face, showing off to his siblings.

"Doc!! We've been to a psychologist before! Do you want to know each of our problems?" Alice thrills, still unbelievably excited.

"You have been to a psychiatrist before? Why?"

"I told you! We're a very troubled bunch!" Alice replies, almost bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Okay, so why don't all of you tell me your issues? Let's start with Emmett-"

"He's a sex addict!" Edward shouts, flashing Emmett a grin.

"Are you, Emmett?"

"Yes, doc, but I don't see why it's a bad thing! I'm in touch with my base needs and desires. At least I'm not control freak like Edward the pure virgin!"

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