Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

Once Jacob finally stopped complaining and went to the party with you, he would be with you the whole time. Of course he would greet and talk to his siblings but he would be by your side pretty much the whole time. He was here for you and because you wanted him there, so he was going to be with you. Sometimes you felt as if you had your own bodyguard, John would even make similar comments every now and again, but you liked that about Jacob. He definitely wasn't the type of person to go to parties, so he would normally just stand with you or talk with you (or his siblings) while drinking beer.

Decorating the House:

Jacob doesn't care about decorating the house but will help you if you want to do it. You mainly get him to lift the heavy things and reach high places. The only part the Jacob would take much interest in was, surprisingly, carving pumpkins. The man is good with a knife and can carve a pumpkin quicker than anyone you know. You might even just do the designs and let him do the carving, it's a hidden talent.

Halloween Prank:

You knew that pulling a prank on Jacob was a stupid idea but it was something that you did every year so you would do it to him this year. At first you thought against doing it but you eventually gathered the courage to do it. You grabbed the mask and waited, continuously psyching yourself up to try to scare Jacob. You soon realised your mistake. When he stepped through the door, you jumped out at him. Before you could make a noise or before your feet even fully touched the floor, Jacob had reacted. Before you knew it, your back was against the wall and Jacob had his forearm against your shoulders to pin you further against the wall. He pulled the mask off of your face and sighed when he saw your face. You were definitely more startled than Jacob was. He released you before warning you that he could have killed you. Then he just smirked and said that next year you were both scaring John together.

Trick or Treating with Their Children:

Jacob had never been trick or treating before so he didn't see why it was such a big deal, but you convinced him to go with you and your children. He would walk beside you and your children, acting as your bodyguard as John would say. You all knew that if Jacob was there, your children would be perfectly safe.

Jacob wasn't good when children came to your house, trick or treating. When he opened the door the children wouldn't exactly be greeted by a friendly face, and he would give each child one piece of candy, he wasn't very generous. So normally you would be the person that opens the door. However, it was extremely rare that children knocked on your door on Halloween, you live in a rather solitary area.

John Seed-

Couple Costume and Costume Party:

John had always celebrated Halloween and he had always thrown a Halloween party, ever since he became a fancy lawyer and inherited his fortune. When he throws a costume party he makes sure to have a great costume. He was so excited to wear a couples costume with you, and since he was so excited you let him pick that costume. This year he choose Gladiators. It was a good costume for John because it was stylish and showed some skin, letting him show off his tattoos, and he loved the way it looked on you. You weren't really surprised by his costume choice.

John was always the life and soul of the party, and he still is. He greets everyone with a charming smile, and if the perfect host. His parties now are much calmer than they used to be, but his guests still enjoyed themselves and his parties were still extremely popular among the people of Eden's Gate. Even though John is the host and must socialise with his guests for some time at least, he prefers to spend the whole time with you. He enjoys showing you off to people, he is just proud that you want to be with him and not somebody else. During the party he will usually drink Champagne or wine, the finest of course, and will happily bring you drinks.

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