Chapter 56

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Louis had calmed and fallen asleep against Harry's chest. He was so worn out after the club incident. But Harry wanted to make it up to the poor lamb and take him to another Disney show before they head back home.

Harry had already notified the driver to take him the Disney village.

"Louis.. babe wake up for me darling " Harry shook him lightly.

Louis peaked open his blue eyes "mm are we home yet?"

"Nope but I'm taking to you another Disney show before we head back tomorrow.. is that okay?"
Louis rubbed his eyes

"I'd love that is it a Halloween show?"

"Yes it is Lovie"

Louis squealed squeezing Harry tight

"Oh and one thing about earlier , you do not swear or use that tone with me I'm not going to punish you because I kind of deserved it but just so you know okay"

"Yes daddy, I'm sorry I didn't mean it just.. was angry" Harry brushed his fingers through his light hair.

"I know darling relax it's okay " Harry felt the car come to a stop and the driver opening the door for time.

"Where here princess " Harry helped Louis out of the car and held his hand protectively. Instantly cameras were flashing once again almost blinding poor Louis.

"Hey! Will you back off, he can't see asshole" Harry pushed the camera away annoyed. "Jeez can't go nowhere without you dickheads in the way. Harry growled

Louis whined "Harry.. shhh it's okay "Louis pulled Harry's arm but another photographer got in the way knocking Louis onto the floor , he landed on his bum.

"THATS IT" Harry flipped grabbing the camera and throwing it on the floor with a crash, he swung his fist in the photographers face knocking him on the ground. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE IT HUH!" Harry was fuming at this point

The man on the floor held his bloody nose stunned "what the fuck man.. I'm just doing my job asshole "

"Doing your job huh! By knocking someone over " with that he stood the camera cracking it even more.

Soft sniffles were heard from a small Louis on the ground once again. Harry rushed to him helping him up. "Oh my gosh baby are you okay .. are you hurt" Harry checked him all over.

"I-I'm okay n-nothing hurts just scared me " Louis winced a bit rubbing his wrist.

Harry looked concerned

"S'okay just sore " Harry growled checking his wrist , he kissed it gently. "Let's get you inside I don't want you getting hurt out here.

Harry put a protective arm around Louis small waist walking him inside.

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