Chapter 48

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Harry took Lou through to the ratatouille ride, and helped him into the cart pulling the bar over them both.

Harry pulled him close as the ride started to move , it wasn't a fast ride at all, it went through a kitchen and the whole restaurant. Louis let out a giggle pointing at the rat and chef.

"This is so cool " Louis had the biggest smile on him, Harry rubbed his back soothingly as the ride continued. Harry looked around at the lights and patterns on the wall. "Wow..  S'pretty awesome " Harry ruffled his curls back watching his boy enjoy himself.

Louis giggled and felt his stomach do a little flip, he leaned forward clutching it .

"Woah!.. are you okay Lou?" Harry looked at him concerned .

Louis nodded slightly, "Uh.. yea I think so" he gulped trying to get the feeling to pass.

Harry kissed his cheek continuing to rub his back as the ride came to a stop. Harry helped Louis out of the cart and walked out towards the waterfall. Louis looked around and still didn't feel right.

"Um.. haz can we find a bathroom please.. " , "Sure baby it's just this way.. are you sure your okay ?" Harry watched him he noticed Louis face was slightly green.  Once they got to the bathroom Louis rushed in the cubical and threw up twice , he groaned clutching his belly. Harry rushed in holding him.

"Baby!" Harry gulped

He leaned over the toilet again throwing up , he wiped his mouth with some tissue and flushed the toilet.  "Baby maybe we should go back to the hotel and come back tomorrow?"

"N-no I'm ok.. I feel much better now honest , I..I don't want to go haz... please " he begged

Harry rubbed his sides "Oh okay but if you get worse we are heading back you hear me?" With that Harry grabbed his hand and walked him outside.

"How about we go to the castle?" Harry suggested
"Id love that haz"

Harry kept his hand on Louis back rubbing it softly , he was really worried about him. "Harry can I get candy floss? "

"Maybe in a little babe , see how you feel I don't want you being sick again.

"O-okay" Louis frowned as he walked , Harry's heart ached and gave in. He stopped and grabbed the biggest amount of candy floss and paid the man. "Here you go darling" Harry handed the floss to him.

Louis smiled brightly taking it off Harry," Thank you thank you !!! " he squeaked

"I couldn't resist that face " Harry kissed his nose and walked him to the castle where all the Disney characters came out and greeted everyone.  Louis took a chunk out of the candy floss and felt it dissolve on his tongue instantly.

As the night grew Harry wrapped his arms around his boy and watched as the fireworks went off. Louis eyes were glued to everything, so mesmerised. Harry turned him slightly lifting his chin up meeting his gaze, Harry attached his lips to Louis , there lips moved in synch and so passionate. The fire works exploded as Harry pulled him closer kissing his boy some more.

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